Aコープかしまだい店 / ㈱Aコープ東日本 i Ōsaki

JapanAコープかしまだい店 / ㈱Aコープ東日本



🕗 åbningstider

Nishizenigami-20-1 Kashimadaihirawata, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-4103, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 229-56-5327
internet side: www.acoop-east-t.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.474691, Longitude: 141.095727

kommentar 5

  • だんごあんこ(あんこ)



    It's very convenient to be able to use PayPay, but when I say PayPay payment, a QR code appears from behind the acrylic board, but why do they hide the QR code so much at the cash register? If you try to read the QR code that happened to be left open first to make the payment smoother, it won't work! It was hidden as if to say lol Every store has a QR code displayed at the cash register. Hmm, but I guess it can't be helped since it was an order from above. The store has been very nice since it was renovated. It has been showing up for a few days after I posted the above review!

  • やまだたかお



    After the organizational change, the store has been renovated, so it's a lot cleaner, but the unit price of flyers in some departments hasn't changed for over 10 years, and I think it's the same for other departments as well.

  • やんちゃママ



    There are plenty of sashimi, hors d'oeuvres, and side dishes. In the evening, the prices are discounted and you can shop at a great value.

  • ゆーさん



    Most of my purchases are from Aeon stores, so I'm excited to see the different product lineups. I was a bit scared by the Sendai beef displayed in the meat corner, but you can get to the rooftop parking lot by elevator, so I recommend visiting during busy hours. The restroom is located outside the store in a slightly difficult to find location.

  • 星屑野郎



    Sashimi has been delicious lately. So I went to the fresh produce section for the first time in a while. I ate the platter. It was delicious❗️. I reviewed it a little.

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