York Benimaru Okaido i Ishinomaki

JapanYork Benimaru Okaido



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-3-21 Ōkaidōhigashi, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0855, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 225-96-3131
internet side: yorkbenimaru.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.4285373, Longitude: 141.2868091

kommentar 5

  • 482 someone

    482 someone


    Most of the food and other items are stocked here, so you'll be able to do your usual shopping in time.

  • 口コミ



    It is used not only when going to York but also when going to the neighboring shops. At that time, we also rent a parking lot. The restaurant that was inside the store is no longer there, and a restaurant has been built next door. There's also Mos Burger, Kourakuen, Daiso, and a coin laundry, so it's very convenient. Sometimes there are mousetraps. Are there many accidents?

  • DoXuankhang DoXuankhang

    DoXuankhang DoXuankhang



  • ミゲルマルムグレン



    It was recently renovated, and the layout of the store has been completely redesigned, starting with the restroom 🚻. The toilet 🚻 is equipped with a heated toilet seat as standard equipment. The eat-in corner has also been renovated, but it cannot be used due to the coronavirus outbreak. It's a waste. We have disinfectant alcohol at the entrance, so don't forget to disinfect. It's a shame that the renovation is a little mysterious, with DAISO as the tenant. There was also the unfortunate news that the food court was no longer there. I appreciate that some of the store aisles have become wider. 😙

  • Oceanmaster John

    Oceanmaster John


    Nice Supermarket

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