Udon Yarocka w Hirakata

JaponiaUdon Yarocka



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17-13 Nakamiya Higashinochō, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1195, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-807-6424
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8218675, Longitude: 135.6667095

komentarze 5

  • アムロレイ



    I found this place when I was looking at Google Maps to try to eat lunch nearby. Choose from a regular portion of udon and cold rice. I was very satisfied with the taste, volume, and price. I lived here for 5 years and didn't realize it. There are 5 parking spaces a short distance away.

  • Mic Yang

    Mic Yang


    Rokkasan is an udon restaurant located in Nakagu Higashinomachi, Hirakata City. There are 5 parking spaces in a narrow back alley, 1 minute walk away. It is near Kansai University of Foreign Studies Chumiya Campus. A local took me there because he heard it was delicious. The udon set comes with rice. I ordered the Torichikudama udon set. It's cold. Tempura comes with salt on a separate plate. You can eat it as is, or dip it in udon soup. First, I received the toriten as is. The quality of tempura is high with its crispy batter and juicy taste. Adding salt will deepen the flavor. The udon soup has a very good taste and aroma, and you can feel that the soup is carefully made. This is the first time I've tried a cold kake soup that has a strong dashi soup. The noodles are also chewy and fragrant, making them satisfying to eat. Normally 280g is a satisfying amount. Chikuwa tempura is long, crispy and fluffy. The egg tempura is super soft-boiled and the yolk will explode when you bite into it, so be careful. The tempura and egg yolk will melt and change the flavor of the soup. Kayaku rice has finely chopped ingredients, has a nice aroma, and is filling. There are many other types, so I would definitely like to visit the store again.

  • 2000ピーナッツ



    Ascension to heaven with a beautiful golden hiyakake! 20240724 Hiyakake (Torichikudama udon set) 1,040 yen ◇No waiting at 13:20 on weekdays ◇About 4 counter seats and 5 table seats ◇Paid parking lot nearby Hirakata is very close to Kansai Gaidai University. As this was my first visit, I took a close look at the menu. I found my favorite cold drink on the lunch menu. I made a set that comes with tempura and rice for just over 1,000 yen. cheap Well now, take a look. This beautiful clear soup stock. My favorite type of soup and noodles! (Don't worry, the noodles are not hard noodles) Enjoy the tempura and the rice. It's the best. Before I knew it, I had swallowed all the juice. The best!

  • cat19



    A popular store in Hirakata. The chewy noodles are very delicious. All of the limited time menu items are delicious as well. You can also choose the amount of noodles. There may be a line, but the wait time after entering the store is not that long. A shop with good service.

  • Kch “Koooaaa” Akmtu

    Kch “Koooaaa” Akmtu


    At a udon restaurant in Hirakata, someday, I had always wanted to go, and I finally got to go. www parking There is a Family Mart near the store. It's located just down the path. Coin parking is available as soon as you enter the road Yes, but it goes even deeper than that. It can stop about 5 cars. atmosphere It's a small shop, and it doesn't look like a udon restaurant. I felt a little defensive. When I entered the store, I was greeted by a cheerful voice from the staff. I sat at the counter right after entering. I couldn't see very far inside. The number of seats seemed to be small. meal We spent some time looking at the menu. the text on the menu Transform your brain and expand your imagination. Everything looked delicious so I was worried... Meanwhile, the menu I chose was Tenmori set 1200 yen. Enjoy the long wait for your food While waiting. soon Food is brought to you. From the mouth I was overwhelmed with words like “Wow.” To the staff who brought the food He seemed to have heard me, and I was smiling. All of the dishes were better than I expected. It was above the image I was converting in my brain. First, let's have udon. The scent of bonito soup fills my face Udon noodles soaked in light soup stock Bring it to your mouth. Enjoy the delicious texture of udon noodles I couldn't help but smile. This is also great for assorted tempura! That's it About the number of items. What I personally love is Chikuwa tempura...I never expected it to be in a place like this. I can't believe I can meet you... And what surprised me a little was Maitake mushroom tempura. What's this! inside the clothes A hidden juicy taste. mouth full It has spread. Oops! I should have had white rice. I have the urge to stuff my mouth full of rice... While I continue to feel satisfied, my attention quickly shifts to the meal. Well then, I stuffed my cheek in my mouth. My stomach feels unwell While feeling satisfied, I suddenly noticed something. It has a lot of ingredients. This is all you need Complete deliciousness. The quick rice that remains in the bowl When I looked at it again, I noticed that the ingredients were better than the rice grains. It seemed like a lot. As expected, the correct answer is to make it a quick meal. My stomach is full. I really enjoyed having a very satisfying lunch. it is complete. Thank you for the meal.

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