Daidomonhirakataten w Hirakata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-7-21 Ōgaitochō, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0027, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-844-3965
strona internetowej: www.daidomon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8135654, Longitude: 135.6510291

komentarze 5

  • TT20 TT20

    TT20 TT20


    This is a famous Yakiniku restaurant. We also serve lunch.

  • 吟


    Even after I started grilling the meat and eating it, the rice never came out, and even though I apologetically asked for it, it never came out, which was a very disappointing response. The rush hours at lunch had subsided and there were almost no seats, but I guess that means they were too busy organizing the cash register to care about the customers in front of them...

  • お食事レポートあぶくま君



    I went to Yakiniku Daidomon, a long-established restaurant in Hirakata City. I entered the store in the early afternoon and the store was empty. In the past, gas stoves were round, but now they are square. Table seats also accommodated the number of people. After the meal, I was given a coffee coupon with an expiry date that I could use next time.

  • アーモンド



    Special lunch 1200 yen. It was great to be able to easily enjoy delicious Yakiniku at a reasonable price ☺︎ There was a surprising amount of meat, but I was most surprised by the amount of rice! I'm proud to say that I'm one of the better eaters among women, but I was satisfied with about half of this amount of rice. . . lol My friend ordered the jumbo set meal, but I feel like the amount of rice was more in the special lunch. It also came with miso soup, which gave it a homey feel ◎ There are two private parking spaces at the back of the store (on the left side when facing the store). Please note that this is a one-way street.

  • sophie twilight

    sophie twilight


    Jumbo Yakiniku set meal for 1300 yen. You can enjoy authentic yakiniku from noon. Since it was a hormone campaign, Akasen was 280 yen. Total cost: around 1700 yen including tax.

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