Udon-Kan w Tamano




🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-11-9 Tai, Tamano, Okayama 706-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 863-31-3032
strona internetowej: udonkan.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.5176537, Longitude: 133.9472722

komentarze 5

  • すけきよ



    The udon at this restaurant is not the hard type of Sanuki udon that is common in Okayama. Udon noodles are thin and soft, with a texture similar to rubber or soft gummy bears. Udon in the Buzen area of ​​Kitakyushu is like this. So, don't expect normal Sanuki udon and wonder what this is. Before I learned about this restaurant's udon, I liked the hard Sanuki udon the most, but when it comes to zaru udon, this restaurant is by far the best. Also, this restaurant boils the udon noodles after receiving the order, so it is highly praised for not offering boiled noodles.

  • 山口



    This is my first time visiting you. I was looking for a restaurant in this area and found it. Lunch time around 12:00. It was busy. To order, purchase a meal ticket. I worry about what to eat. There seem to be quite a lot of menu items. Sometimes they don't have kitsune udon. After thinking about it, I ordered tempura udon. Excuse me. so-so.

  • くまのこ観光



    The noodles were smooth and went down my throat, and they were delicious. The soup stock was delicious, but I felt it was a little thin. Would it be better to season it with a little more soy sauce?

  • been daidon

    been daidon


    Although the noodles were thin, they were chewy and had a good texture. I think the portion was quite large, but I was able to eat it easily. I'll come back later. The udon in the picture was both 500 yen and cheap, with hiyanokake and zaru udon.

  • A. S.

    A. S.


    Delicious udon! Handmade noodles with great soup! Super recommended!

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