Okuyama Strawberry Farm | plate w Okayama

JaponiaOkuyama Strawberry Farm | plate



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663-3 Toyota, Higashi-ku, Okayama, 704-8162, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-948-2708
strona internetowej: okuyama-ichigo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6163066, Longitude: 134.0205439

komentarze 5

  • ナキウサギちゃん



    I heard that it's crowded with customers on Saturdays and Sundays, so I visited around 12:00 on a weekday. Vanilla and strawberries, I ordered an ice cream strawberry that you can break up and eat. The vanilla tokoro strawberries are available until May, and the ice cream strawberries are only available until June. The price was quite high, but it had a lot of strawberries and was delicious. The weather was nice, so we enjoyed it while looking at the flowers and scenery.

  • みよし



    Strawberry 🍓 was super delicious! I drank strawberry ice cream and juice, and it was rich and satisfying. There are many different types of ice cream and juice, which can be confusing. If it were in my neighborhood, I would want to go there often. The terrace seats have flowers planted outside, so it's peaceful and relaxing. You can also buy strawberries. I think it would be a good idea to buy it as a souvenir.

  • Masako Tsutano

    Masako Tsutano


    2024.3.17 I casually visited around 3:30 pm. When I headed with the navigation, I arrived at a parking lot with a flag. (Later we find out that it is the second parking lot) The hut-like structure built there is closed. I wonder if this is a store? Are you on vacation? ? As I was thinking about this, the old man who lived across the street pointed to me and said that if you walk that way, the store is on your left. He told me. I wouldn't have known if the old man hadn't told me. As I was walking as instructed, I passed a person returning from a store. Perhaps because it was raining, there were no people in line even though it was a Sunday, so the purchase went smoothly. I bought two take-out boxes (about 2,000 yen per box) and a parfait (with chocolate ice cream) and juice for about 6,000 yen. It's definitely not cheap. However, there are a lot of young children. I am so happy that everyone is so wealthy. I think it looks good and is important (lol) Personally, it was delicious, but it's by far the best! There is no special feeling. The strawberries I bought at the roadside station in Kasaoka were much sweeter. However, it may just be a coincidence, and it's difficult with natural things. The parfait was packed with strawberries, about the same amount as one pack, but since I don't usually eat that many strawberries at once, I felt like it was a waste. It was a feast.

  • ガレオ



    I went there for the first time. Arrived before 12:10 on Sunday. The parking lot was about 90% full. There were a lot of people waiting in line before entering the store, so I probably waited about 20 minutes. When you arrive at the store, a machine will issue you a ticket with a QR code for your turn, and you will wait outside the store until your turn comes. After receiving a text message on my cell phone informing me that it was my turn, I entered the restaurant, decided on the menu, and ordered. Purchased to eat on the spot and to take home. I ordered a lot, so it cost over 10,000 yen😅 When I told them it was for takeout, the staff member was kind enough to say, ``We'll make it with hard ice cream,'' which I was grateful for. 100% juice strawberry juice made from morning harvested strawberries was sold out. I feel that the strawberries in the other two special juices and the strawberries in the juice were darker and sweeter if they were picked in the morning. The strawberry ice cream was also delicious.

  • Chanisana Chalanupap

    Chanisana Chalanupap


    That is so yummy. 🍓🍓🍓

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