Seasonal Kitchen Yon-Sun【洋食/岡山市】 w Okayama

JaponiaSeasonal Kitchen Yon-Sun【洋食/岡山市】



🕗 godziny otwarcia

591-17 Nishiichi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 700-0953, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-259-2443
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6332081, Longitude: 133.8961658

komentarze 5

  • 玉島乙島です



    On February 4, 2024, I visited with my wife. Arrived 20 minutes before opening at 11. There was no first come first served😄 I had a whimsical lunch, and my wife had a greedy course lunch. Everything I ate was delicious, but there wasn't anything that left a strong impression on me, so I felt it would be even better if there was something special on the menu! Please note that payment is only in cash. Parking information is attached as an image.

  • K KO

    K KO


    The food was very delicious. The pasta the people around me were eating also looked delicious. It's like a Yon-Sun set where you choose a main course starting from 1,000 yen, followed by salad, focaccia, mini dessert, and a drink, so it's around 2,000 yen. The store had a nice atmosphere and the reservation phone calls were very good. However, the thing that lowered the overall rating was that when my companion asked for a meat dish, he was told, ``We don't have it today, but there are some recommended ones (on the blackboard), so please choose from those.'' , All the plates were taken down too quickly, creating an atmosphere where customers were forced to leave the restaurant early even though the restaurant was empty. It's good that the service was prompt, but I wish I had waited a little longer for the final dessert and coffee cup. I couldn't find a cafe at night and decided to move to a family restaurant.

  • Lee



    I was able to make a reservation online for the store to open at 11am on weekday mornings. There were two parking spaces in front of the store, one on the side, and a parking lot a little further back. If you're coming from the bypass, it's on the opposite lane, so you might accidentally miss it. Lunch includes pasta and hamburger, each with dessert, a drink, focaccia, an appetizer, and soup for 3,500 yen for two people. The tableware was simple and cute, and the desserts were delicious.

  • maro temari

    maro temari


    The atmosphere of the shop and the customer service are both good. There are 5 parking spaces near the store and 3 parking spaces nearby 🅿️ there is. I ordered a good lunch, and everything was delicious and satisfying. The timing of the food is also great 👏 There are many other interesting menu items such as paella, so I would like to visit at night next time.

  • Kummy



    My friend made a reservation for me to celebrate my birthday. I ordered a nice lunch course. Appetizer, focaccia or rice, soup, half pasta, main, dessert, Drinks cost 2090 yen per person (or so?) I asked for focaccia, Refills were possible. (I thought it was delicious so I ordered a refill lol) Weekly main dish, breaded chicken with herbs... was delicious. However, personally, I would have liked the skin of the chicken to be a little crispier. You can't eat something that's floating ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ There are about 3 parking spaces available around the store and a little further away. By the way The store staff I dropped the tray that served drinks, There was an accident where all the drinks were spilled. I was very impressed with the staff's response at that time. It was a store that I would like to visit again.

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