Tsukijisushikiyourawaten w Saitama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒330-0063 Saitama, Urawa Ward, Takasago, 1-chōme−15−1 伊勢丹浦和7F
kontakt telefon: +81 48-824-5245
strona internetowej: www.tsukijisushisay.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8592102, Longitude: 139.6561244

komentarze 5

  • 松田瑛永



    I was lucky to have dinner at the counter. The deputy manager's recommendations were delicious and I enjoyed working there. Personally, I like the rice to be a little harder, but it's perfect for the sushi at this restaurant. They also offer a variety of snacks so you can enjoy them. There are also 4 to 5 types of seasonal sake, so you can compare them.

  • K I

    K I


    ~Used for lunch~ There was a bit of a wait as there were a lot of single customers, but the staff was very nice and when I asked for a refill of tea, it was immediately brought to me. The lunch was delicious and better than I expected.

  • るみ



    I used it on a Saturday night. I waited for about 30 minutes before being guided. We ordered seasonal specials, chirashi sushi, and several sushi items a la carte. Not only the toppings, but also the sushi and the grip were very good, and it was delicious. Customer service varied considerably depending on the clerk.

  • Y MPR

    Y MPR


    Around 12:00 on a weekday, I had a "lunch nigiri". It was reasonably priced (about 1300 yen) and delicious. When I have time, I would like to have it held at the counter. There were many table seats, and many people ordered set meals during lunch time.

  • dekaishi xin

    dekaishi xin


    What's there to say that hasn't already been said? It was excellent. The omakase for the 4000 yen is worth every single yen for what you get. Our sushi chef was just killing it with his hands and his words, constantly lighting up the 6 of us who were eating in his third of the seats that he tended to.

najbliższy Restauracja

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