De Chef w Saitama

JaponiaDe Chef



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒330-0062 Saitama, Urawa Ward, Nakachō, 1-chōme−11−3 小林ビル B1F
kontakt telefon: +81 48-833-6229
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8610108, Longitude: 139.6536983

komentarze 5

  • Kazuhiko Yahagi

    Kazuhiko Yahagi


    A bistro with a calm atmosphere. The bread seems to be hot and homemade. There is a wide selection of wines available by the glass. That's nice.

  • Yuka T

    Yuka T


    The bouillon sold at the store is really delicious. Even though I'm not a big fan of seafood, it was so delicious that I could eat it all. Even though it was a soup, it had a lot of ingredients and made me feel full. Desserts are also delicious and cost-effective. It's not a formal French restaurant, but a casual atmosphere that befits the name of a brasserie, so it's easy to stop by and you'll want to try other dishes as well.

  • kazumin mx

    kazumin mx


    There are a variety of comments as each person has a different feeling, but you won't know unless you go to the store you're interested in yourself. . I visited for lunch with a friend. They explained today's recommendations, and if it's your first time at the store, the bouillabaisse is recommended! I received the bouillabaisse that I had been wanting to try since before I went there. The soup was really delicious with lots of seafood and piping hot, and there were so many other delicious-looking menu items that I had to go back several times. The bread and homemade butter were delicious! ! I was happy that dessert was included 💙 It was a restaurant that was enjoyed by people of all ages, including dates, groups, and many adult members. Thank you for the meal.

  • Sho



    Overall it was delicious and satisfying. The entrance to the store was stylish and I was excited. The store clerk feels like a kind man who will teach you various things. Even the inexpensive house wine was delicious, and I wanted to try a variety of them. All the dishes are very delicious. Rather than saying that the menu is set in stone, it seems like the menu changes depending on the season and can be prepared based on your requests. It's a little hard to tell the price because it's the market price, but I felt that it was an easy price to buy considering how elaborate it is. I was surprised at how delicious the freshly baked homemade bread was.




    When you go down the stairs, there is a counter outside and the structure of the shop is nice. The interior also has a Parisian feel with red checked tablecloths. You may like or dislike the garcon's middle-aged man's self-paced feel, but in a sense it feels like a real French bistro. All the dishes are delicious, some are seasonal, and they seem to be particular about vegetables. I also like the potato salad and charcuterie appetizers.

najbliższy Restauracja

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