Tsukasaya in Sendai




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1-chōme-6-33 Tsubamesawahigashi, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0822, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-388-2233
webseite: tsukasaya.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2887346, Longitude: 140.9352235

kommentare 5

  • ちいかわ



    There are quite a few comments saying it's expensive, so I'll give it a serious evaluation. Fish Corner: If you want the same taste and price as here, you have to go to Mori Market. Sushi and sashimi - better than Senrei sushi at Mori Market I think Watanori is the only tuna that is comparable to this one. Different from York and Aeon Vegetable and fruit corner - eggs are extremely cheap As for the fruit above here, I think it's about the same as the brats in the vicinity. Overall cheap considering the taste I think vegetables are also cheaper considering the taste. Meat: Sendai beef is delicious.Why Aeon and York's Sendai beef is not delicious is a mystery Pork is different from Aeon and York. Side dishes: The side dishes in the fish corner are really delicious. The other items are better than the cheap ones at Aeon and York, but they are much lower than the side dishes at the fish corner. There were fried oysters in the fish corner and the side dish corner, but the one in the fish corner was really delicious, but the one in the side dish corner was not at all delicious. bread expensive Lunch box Hotto Motto is more delicious I think it's more delicious than Aeon or York, but I don't like cold bento boxes in the first place, so I might not be able to give much credit to it. Sweets Corner - It's a hit or miss But it's interesting to watch, so I buy it like a gamble. Hors d'oeuvre The side dishes are off-limits; you should choose meat, sashimi, and sushi. Overall, it's the best in the neighborhood in terms of taste and price. Especially when I buy fish, it's so delicious that I only want to buy it here.

  • しまりすマン



    Fresh fish is recommended, but we also have vegetables, meat, and sake. There are processed fish and side dishes, and the meat, including offal, is quite fresh. Lunch boxes are cheap, but the inside of the store is quite crowded despite its small size, so you might want to consider the time you go there. It may be difficult to enter the parking lot if you don't think about the direction you are entering.

  • 公園ラブ親父



    card cannot be used It's disappointing that you can't use cards in this day and age. When I was surprised at the cash register, I was told that there is a fee for using the card, so the price is reduced by that amount...but I think it's expensive. The only supermarkets in Sendai that don't accept credit cards are Tsukasaya and Ropia, but I understand that Ropia is making an effort... I can only feel that the immediate fees are a waste...

  • K S (Laphroaig)

    K S (Laphroaig)


    It has the feel of a local supermarket, but I'm probably more impressed by the fresh fish. The side dishes also seem a bit sloppy, but I highly recommend them. I'm glad that the lineup of sake and whiskey is so extensive that you wouldn't think it's a supermarket. The disappointing point is that not only shopping bags but also plastic bags are not always available on the soccer table, which is common at other supermarkets, so you have to pay at the cash register.

  • Pascal lee

    Pascal lee


    Nice supermarket, their products are often slightly more exotic or different than other mainstream supermarkets.

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