York Benimaru in Sendai

JapanYork Benimaru



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-1-2 Tagonishi, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0026, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-387-2055
webseite: yorkbenimaru.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2862626, Longitude: 140.9584298

kommentare 5

  • 銀子



    I always go shopping here, and the cashiers are very kind. The level of customer base is low, so even with the coronavirus, there are parents who bring their small children and make a fuss. The store clerk doesn't say hello. For several years now, when I go shopping, I have never been greeted by a male clerk in the vegetable section. It's a mystery as to what kind of instruction he is giving.

  • 高橋利明



    Good store staff are very responsive. Yabuki-san, what's up with this? ❓️What kind of response is this, making fun of the customers? ❓️There should be security cameras, so I guess the store isn't managing the response properly.

  • 酢だこさん



    What I thought while using this store All the clerks except an elderly female clerk are waiting after paying. etc., but they are greeting each other (a strange store clerk) (There are also people) The elderly clerk was It seems like they are greeting customers by choosing them, so they don't choose the customers. It's a good idea to greet every customer properly.

  • 松崎ゆきえ



    Three store clerks stocking the shelves gather together and chat. It gets in the way when choosing a product.

  • 2424 Prius

    2424 Prius


    York-Benimaru's new store has a good selection of bargain products, low-priced products, value-added products, individual-sized products, easy-to-prepare products, etc., and it would be great if they had devised and developed products such as condiment packs. It's an interesting product that you can't find anywhere else. I know of several stores that I thought were good when they first opened, but after a few months, the good and interesting products disappeared, and the stores turned into Benimaru stores with a boring selection of products.Please do your best to prevent this from happening. I want it.

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