Tsuji Rihei Honten Kyoto Uji Main Shop in 宇治市

JapanTsuji Rihei Honten Kyoto Uji Main Shop



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Japan, 〒611-0021 京都府宇治市宇治若森41
kontakte telefon: +81 774-29-9021
webseite: www.tsujirihei.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8894866, Longitude: 135.7976721

kommentare 5

  • Jenny D (Citybird_Adventures)

    Jenny D (Citybird_Adventures)


    While exploring Kyoto, we visited this shop and discovered some incredible treats and matcha. The women working there were exceptionally kind, and despite a challenging language barrier, we were able to communicate well enough to have our questions answered and left with some delicious snacks. My favorite was the matcha rice snacks—super crispy and they held up perfectly on the plane ride home. I'm so glad I picked up several bags; they're truly unique. We also enjoyed some freshly prepared matcha while in the store.

  • Barry



    FEB 2024 (Re-visit) This place is a must visit for me when I am in Uji. Compared to the other teahouses in the morning hours, Tsuji Rihei is relatively quiet, maybe because it is quite a walk from the JR station away from the main shopping strip. However I really like the quiet and relaxing atmosphere with a comfortable seat and a view of the garden. The parfait here is luxurious, definitely on the top for matcha parfaits. This time I had the seasonal strawberry matcha parfait and it was sweet and delicious, maybe not for everyone as the bottom is jelly infused with champagne. Also they have many types of tea at different price points to choose from. APRIL 2023 Visited the teahouse twice and both times I was seated at the front counter seat, highly recommend if you come by yourself or with one other person as you get a great view of the garden and a comfy cushion chair. It was not busy when they just opened so it was quiet and relaxing. Tried a few matcha sweets and two different parfaits; one was matcha and the other was first harvest green tea leaves (seasonal). They were all delicious and not too sweet but I particularly enjoy the parfaits more; delicate yet strong tea flavor, rich and sweeter components at the start and light and refreshing towards the bottom of the parfaits. The tea drink also included a sweet bean paste wagashi on both occasions (not sure if it applies to all or only selected drinks). Staffs were friendly and service was pretty fast.

  • Sharon Stone

    Sharon Stone


    We came here to escape the cold for a bit and to have an originally good latte. I ordered the Matcha latte with sweetener on the side and was so gladly surprised that they make own matcha induced syrup. So when you use this syrup the latte doesn't taste like pure sugar, since you don't dilute it in any way. The syrup itself actually tastes quite nice too. The flavour of the latte was what you would expect from a traditional tea house and the ratio was beautiful. The service did take about 15min on a quiet day, which surprised me for an order of only two lattes. The building looks beautiful and preserved and the garden is an experience to walk through. Overall a beautiful experience.

  • Xiang Han

    Xiang Han


    Highly recommend this place. It is quite a distance from the Uji subway station (nearer to the JR station). I came at 12pm, and the restaurant was pretty empty. Since I came alone, I managed to get a seat facing the window, which I highly recommend as it is so peaceful. I ordered the matcha roll cake and hojicha, which was one of the best I've had. They give you 2-3 refills in the kettle, but I recommend to bring some hot water of your own to get more refills :-D They have a nice souvenir shop selling tea leaves, tea packets, matcha powder etc.

  • smolbelly



    MUST VISIT! This is, by far, my favourite matcha tea shop of all times and it has been at the top of my list ever since I’ve tried it. You definitely have to get their matcha parfait which has very intense, earthy and bittersweet matcha soft serve. All the components of the parfait were superb which made this really enjoyable to have. They do sell souvenir snacks as well which I also highly recommend getting! Instagram: @smolbelly

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