Gion Kinana in Kyoto

JapanGion Kinana



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570-119 Gionmachi Minamigawa, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, 605-0074, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-525-8300
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0023284, Longitude: 135.7742848

kommentare 5

  • SL Y

    SL Y


    Dessert shop located in a mock old shop building in old town area. Upstairs seating. Popular When we got there around 2pm they were busy, but still had a free table so no wait. Min order 1 set per person. I had a French press coffee with my dessert, which they gave me a little time timer to sugnal when the coffee was ready to drink. The fruits in my dessert were frozen solid. Had to wait before eating

  • Kirino Best Girl

    Kirino Best Girl


    The Japon parfait was very unique and delicious, with an exquisitely intricate and balanced flavour. Service was top notch, with friendly, accommodating and professional staff. They also speak some English and provide English menu, so great for tourists as well. Very well priced too. Highly recommend.

  • Jamy Severino

    Jamy Severino


    Each person is required to order one cake and one drink, fair enough. The experience was amazing, this guys put a lot of passion on it. Definitely recommend !

  • Olivia Calypso

    Olivia Calypso


    A rather serious & pricey setting to be having desserts. each person is required to order 1 dessert & 1 drink. Now, I am not a big dessert person but their parfait is... excellent 🤤 I devoured it in seconds. It was imho worth the price ✨ Initially wanted to try their kakigori but i think it was for summer specifically 🍧

  • Chung Daniel

    Chung Daniel


    visiting this dessert place about 8 years ago. So glad it lasts through the pandemic. The parfait still tastes very good. The rice ball is soft and chewy, and the ice cream mixed with berries were also very yummy. Seasonal chestnut flavor is also very delicious.

nächste Cafe

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