Kurumaya Ramen i Utsunomiya

JapanKurumaya Ramen



🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-24-16 Nakaimaizumi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0968, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-660-5117
internet side: www.kurumayaramen.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.5698617, Longitude: 139.9161422

kommentar 5

  • 雨音



    It's a ramen shop that has been around for a long time, but I've never been there... I had heard from several acquaintances that miso ramen was delicious, so this was my first visit! On Saturdays and Sundays, the parking lot was full and the restaurant seemed very busy, but when I went there after lunch on a weekday, it was reserved. When you order ramen, you get half rice for free, which is a nice service♪ Old-fashioned miso ramen. That's what it felt like. However, the garlic was quite effective, probably because the miso was mixed with the miso from the beginning. It would be great if you could choose whether to add garlic or not. The staff's customer service is also very pleasant. What I liked most was that the seasonings were neatly stored in the case! The seasoning bottles weren't sticky either. I thought it was great and hygienic.

  • 手塚智英



    Even though I arrived just before closing time, the place was nearly full and crowded. The taste was still delicious!

  • 水原恭亮



    2024/02/17 It seems that the business hours have changed. I learned that chashu is delicious. 2023/11/16 The rock salt ramen had no taste and didn't suit my taste. However, I knew that the other ramen was delicious. I thought I just made the wrong choice. I think the orthodox one is probably more delicious. However, the ramen is at least 730 yen, and it's open until midnight, so maybe it can't be helped. Is it inevitable that the service is slow? Ramen restaurants these days tend to be fast-paced, so it felt a little slow. Being able to use credit cards and transportation electronic money was a big plus.

  • miho



    Visited on weekdays at 8pm. I wanted to go there for the first time in decades, and when I went there for the first time in a long time, I felt the prices were high. I ordered green onion miso ramen, soy sauce ramen, and gyoza. The green onion miso was spicy and although I ordered it, I couldn't finish it. Is soy sauce ramen made with soy sauce? It was cloudy and had a strange taste. This is just my personal opinion. It's a good service that we were able to receive service food! thank you.

  • Sabarinathan Vadivelu

    Sabarinathan Vadivelu


    As a foreigner, I liked this Restaurant very much. I had Spicy Curry Ramen. I’m from India. This curry resembles an Indian curry taste. It is very much spicy. The quantity is more. Because of that I can’t finish it completely. If the quantity is medium, it will enough for one person. At last, it is very much tasty and spicy.

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