Tenkaippin - Utsunomiya i Utsunomiya

JapanTenkaippin - Utsunomiya



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-31-45 Mine, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0942, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-636-0170
internet side: www.tenkaippin.co.jp
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Latitude: 36.5510403, Longitude: 139.9160386

kommentar 5

  • 40 Ken

    40 Ken


    It was my first time having Tenka Ippin in Utsunomiya✨ ,,,, I went to Tenkaichippin this time to try the famous rich ramen for the first time in 10 years🫡 It was very crowded as it was a holiday. This time, my family and I had light ramen, rich ramen, and fried rice✨ I guess you can either like or dislike this. The light ramen is sweet, and the rich is like a slightly salty potage! It was delicious✨

  • seaman0327



    This is my first visit in quite a while. I had a rich fried rice set meal, and my partner had a light meal. Both have a slightly salty taste and the noodles are straight and soft. Maybe it's because the noodles are soft so it mixes well with the soup, but I prefer the chewy noodles. If it's a similar rich type, it feels like it's a bit older than the popularity of seafood-based tonkotsu tsukemen. Although it started in Kyoto, the epidemic in Kyoto may have subsided. The fried rice was fluffy and delicious. If you want something rich, you might go to a different restaurant...

  • Kevin Je

    Kevin Je


    Just normal Ramen restaurant. But the KIMCHI was not fresh thing that looks like old thing when I see it as a Korean.

  • Lee Hong

    Lee Hong



  • Moon Lanced

    Moon Lanced


    This restaurant has an ok cost performance. The ramen is not your typical ramen. The broth is thick and rich in taste. Something you don't find often. The gyoza is pretty average but the karage was actually really good

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