Training Center Lodging House i Akita

JapanTraining Center Lodging House


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Komazakadai-4-1 Yūwatsubakigawa, Akita, 010-1211, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-886-2822
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.6226279, Longitude: 140.2042583

kommentar 5

  • ha buko

    ha buko


    The fried chicken set meal at the attached restaurant called "Half Time" is cheap and delicious. 600 yen is quite a good value. The mothers of the employees are also very friendly and make you feel at ease. I also want to try the cutlet curry.

  • 12 TB

    12 TB


    There is a restaurant that is open on Saturdays and Sundays, and it is reasonably priced and spacious! ️

  • 吉田総耕



    There was a dome stadium. Large enough for 4 youth baseball fields

  • 健治



    The attached restaurant called "Half Time" (?) was good value for money. You can get a second helping of rice for the fried chicken set meal for 530 yen. However, please be aware that the business hours seemed to be 2 hours in the afternoon.

  • Osamu Hosaka

    Osamu Hosaka


    everything is old There was no waiting area for each team, and it was chaotic as spectators were unable to watch the game. I wish there were at least guidelines like white lines. It's difficult to leave your luggage in a place where it would be difficult if it was captured. Management incompetence

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