Toyotasuzuki Ophthalmology Clinic in Toyota

JapanToyotasuzuki Ophthalmology Clinic



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3 Chome Maruyamacho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0832, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 565-26-7111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0666714, Longitude: 137.1514698

kommentare 5

  • ピピピ



    I was suspicious because the rating was low, but is it really 2.4? I tought. While there are many ophthalmologists around, I feel like this one had more than anyone else. It's a symbol of good ophthalmology. The medical examination was done thoroughly and promptly. The waiting time was about 2 hours from reception to checkout, but I think that's the same everywhere, so it wasn't too bad. Out of all the hospitals I've been to, I felt the most comfortable going home, not just any ophthalmology clinic I've ever been to. thank you very much.

  • osamu sadakata

    osamu sadakata


    I thought he was a very gentle-spoken doctor who provided accurate diagnosis and treatment, and who was able to understand the feelings of his patients. I have dry eyes, and my mother has cataracts, and now I live a comfortable life with clear vision.

  • かすみ草



    It took me with blurred vision. I checked in around 9:40 on Saturday for my first visit, and waited until 11:00 (you could go out) for the examination. I was worried after reading other reviews, but I was able to feel at ease after getting a proper inspection. thank you very much. The receptionist and nurses were very responsive. The teacher doesn't look down on me, but gives the impression of being enthusiastic and polite. It was quite crowded, so I thought it might be a good idea to choose a specific time for your consultation.

  • かおるみかん



    My eyes were hurting around noon and I couldn't open them, so I was introduced to this by someone at work and went there around 5:45pm on Friday. It was 15 minutes before the reception closed, so it took about 30 minutes from reception to checkout. There didn't seem to be that many people waiting. The reception closing time is different from other hospitals. All the staff were efficient. Tests such as intraocular pressure and visual acuity were done quickly, and the visual acuity in both eyes was properly explained to me with the naked eye and after correction. (I get the impression that there are many things that you can't learn about elsewhere.) The director also started by introducing himself and explained to me, while looking at photos, that I had a scratch on my eyeball and that I was experiencing an allergic reaction. However, as others have said, I have the impression that it is a bit high-pressure. I recommend it if you don't mind that.

  • K A

    K A


    I arrived around 4pm, about 30 minutes after the afternoon medical treatment started. It was quite beautiful. There were about 12 cars parked there. The reception process was smooth and the eye pressure test and vision test were completed within 10 minutes. From there, I had to wait about 20 minutes to see the doctor. I think it's appropriate because the previous one did some additional tests. I felt at ease because the teacher's explanation was very easy to understand. I was worried because the doctor doesn't take appointments, but I think I can recommend him if you have time.

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