Aratake Dental Clinic en Kitakyushu

JapónAratake Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒807-0873 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Yahatanishi Ward, Fujiwara, 1-chōme−8−24 自由ヶ丘PLATINUM 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 93-692-0582
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8725151, Longitude: 130.7072402

comentarios 5

  • クララ



    Based on the test results using the latest equipment, we will explain the benefits and risks in detail, and together we will decide on a treatment plan. During the daily treatment, he explains the details of the treatment each time and talks to me frequently during the treatment, so I am happy that I can receive the treatment with peace of mind. This is a clinic you can trust.

  • MI S

    MI S


    I've been going there for years for orthodontics, but I just can't get an appointment. When I make a reservation, the first thing I hear is, "We only have vacancies for three months ahead," and I get a disgusted look when I try to make the next reservation.I'm always disgusted by the poor receptionist reception. Is it really that unpleasant of a job to schedule a patient's next appointment? It's a shame because the teachers and other staff are so kind.

  • Masami



    Even if I'm calling because I'm in pain, the phone response is poor. Reservations can only be made 3 months in advance. ? ? ? ? ? What kind of dentist? I have only doubts. For example, even if you make an appointment for treatment in 3 months, the next appointment will be several months later. It's the worst thing to do at a dentist where you have to wait for several months and the phone service is so bad.

  • 才子



    My child has been attending for about 7 years. My teeth have become beautiful in about a year! However, I continue to use it as a preventative measure. All of the dental hygienists are kind, give accurate guidance, and are very helpful. The director praises me every time, and the treatment is good, so I don't mind going to the clinic! I would like to continue to take care of you.

  • チコリキ熊



    I've been going here for about 20 years. Thank you for your help with cavities, wisdom teeth, bacterial treatment, etc. Each time you receive treatment, we will provide you with an explanation and treatment plan, so you can receive the treatment with confidence and peace of mind. If you are wondering what kind of dentist I am, I think you will like it once you visit. ♿️🏥 may or may not suit you, and different people have different opinions about it, but I think it's worth going once. Now, I mainly go for regular checkups and cleaning. Thanks to you, I have zero cavities 😃⤴️⤴️He's not just a kind dentist, he's a wonderful dentist.

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