Kishimoto Dental Clinic en Kitakyushu

JapónKishimoto Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒802-0077 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Bashaku, 2-chōme−6−11 オリエントトラストタワー北九州No.71
contactos teléfono: +81 93-512-6860
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8776232, Longitude: 130.8798259

comentarios 5

  • Badminton Game

    Badminton Game


    Free orthodontic consultation However, there is an initial consultation fee (30% burden) of 800 yen. The affiliated parking lot is Daiichi Park Uborusu. (You can receive coins at the reception) Wire correction is provided by a specialist three times a month. Invisalign is compatible with the clinic director (resident) I was diagnosed as not being able to recommend Invisalign if I was concerned about the alignment of my teeth, and was urged to have another orthodontic consultation on the day when an orthodontist would come. I think it's good that you made a diagnosis without focusing on profitability. However, I wish they would have suggested a consultation on the day the orthodontist was available when making the reservation.

  • N N

    N N


    I visited here for the first time the other day after looking at Google reviews and the website, but instead of having counseling in a private room like the one listed on the website, I was given counseling on an examination table. Even though there was another patient next to me and I could see his face through the glass, he said in a loud voice, "I have a cavity..." which made me very uncomfortable. Moreover, when I went to another dentist, I was never told that I had a cavity, and they just visually checked it and said, ``I have a cavity and I need to treat it.I should choose between a silver tooth or a ceramic tooth that is not covered by insurance.'' ”, but there is no hole and nothing is wrong, so why? Thinking of this, I went to another dentist the next day and had him examine it using proper instruments, but he said, ``This is not a cavity.I would not treat it.Also, there are other types of teeth that are not noticeable, such as white ones, that are covered by insurance and are covered by insurance. "They said. I was surprised that there were two choices here: silver teeth or ceramic. Also, I went there for counseling for another treatment, but they recommended something that wasn't listed on the website as being more effective, and the way they spoke to me was very high-pressure, which made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Probably the first time he kept asking me unnecessary questions like, ``Do you go to another dentist? I think that's why it happened this time. Isn't this a bait-and-switch advertisement because they are promoting private counseling in a big way, and they are recommending something that is highly effective without showing any case photos? I don't understand why the reviews are so good. Are bad reviews deleted? There are many other dentists. I thought it was just to make money. If you were thinking about your patients, you wouldn't suggest cutting down teeth that don't have cavities without properly examining them. I felt really bad. This is my first time in a place like this. I will never go there again.

  • makoto toyoshima

    makoto toyoshima


    When I went there for the first time because I had a toothache, he seemed to have a bad attitude and told me to get a checkup and go to another dentist. It was a waste of money and time to go there.

  • 木本隆雅



    I went there for cavities treatment. I switched to this clinic because I didn't like the long wait times and schedule delays at other clinics, but it was easy to come to because they finished within the scheduled time every time. Treatment explanations are concise and easy to understand, and the work is done in a straightforward manner, so there is no stress. I was nervous because I wasn't given topical anesthesia, but the needles were so good that it didn't hurt at all, and even when I had a deep cavity, the anesthesia worked well and I didn't feel any pain.

  • s s

    s s


    Thank you for taking care of me for about 2 years for orthodontic treatment and tooth decay treatment. I was unable to have regular check-ups due to moving, but the director, orthodontist, and staff were all very nice people.

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