Toyoko Inn Sendai Station West Central i Sendai

JapanToyoko Inn Sendai Station West Central


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1-chōme-1-10 Chūō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-726-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.255769, Longitude: 140.882063

kommentar 5

  • Evonna Castillo

    Evonna Castillo


    Their staff here are very nice. Super accommodating. Stayed here for 4 days for a training, the room is complete with necessary appliances and it's just a 5 minutes walk from Sendai station. I had a pleasant stay here!

  • Cécile J

    Cécile J


    This is a typical Toyoko Inn hotel. Once you've been in one, you've seen them all... Specificities of this one are: +: has 2 elevators: you don't get stuck 20 minutes trying to get down at breakfast time unlike the other Toyoko Inns in sendai, this one is reachable on foot from Sendai JR station -: can be noisy: on a main road on one side, and on the shinkansen tracks on the other side. For the first time of my life, I happened to be at Shinkansen level...on the 8th floor. It's interesting for the perspective. not much light if you are in the lower floors. Breakfast is typical Japanese with enough selection.

  • Sam Porter

    Sam Porter


    Very helpful staff for anyone. Have stayed with Toyoko at a number of their hotels, never had bad service. It is a business hotel, so you get what you pay for: a clean room, a comfortable bed, and a decent breakfast.

  • WasAbiRASP



    Great prices and delicious breakfast. The staff was welcoming and helpful. The rooms each have their own wifi router, so I was able to game online with no issues. The beds are firm, but comfortable--to Japanese standards. A couple could share a room as the beds are just big enough, but expect to be sleeping against each other.

  • Kristin McKenna

    Kristin McKenna


    Clean, basic, budget friendly hotel. There was free amenities such as a comb and lent pajamas. Staff was helpful to non Japanese speaking tourists. Breakfast was great and had many options (buffet style).

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