Toyoko Inn Saitama Shintoshin i Saitama

JapanToyoko Inn Saitama Shintoshin


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4-chōme-262-1 Kishikichō, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0843, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 48-657-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8964695, Longitude: 139.6320929

kommentar 5

  • Paul Whitehouse

    Paul Whitehouse


    Excellent location right next to Saitama Shintoshin Station and Cocoon shopping mall. Perfectly equipped rooms, including breakfast. Very affordable.

  • David CHAN

    David CHAN


    Had the worst service here. In our first visit to Japan, Upon checked out and while waiting for me to arrive with car, Wife intended to breastfeed the 4 months old baby as baby was crying due to hungry, she was not allowed to use the washroom, was instructed to come out from ladies room, not allowed to use any empty room to feed the child, but was asked to walked 10 mins to another shopping mall to look for nursery room, but it was raining and she don’t have umbrella. They are not practising the care for mother and child which practising by whole japan, which disappointed me.

  • Emely Tan

    Emely Tan


    Not a family friendly hotel. Very bad sound proofing in the room, can hear snoring from next room and foot stomping from above. People talking at the hallway can be heard as well. Free wifi, hot water and good water pressure. Staff here tried to understand and help at their best although they do not speak English, but one of the girl staff was very rude. Kitchen staff are very friendly and helpful anyway. Location is strategic, near the station, cocoon city and office buildings. There are family mart and 7-eleven on the same street.

  • Eric Foster

    Eric Foster


    Staff is friendly. Rooms are clean. Lots of water pressure and hot water. The water/tea kettle is nice to have in the room and the small fridge. Room is small compared to a United States standard but common for Saitama. Overall good.

  • biswas biswas

    biswas biswas


    10 minutes from saitama shintoshin station and 15 minutes from kitayono station.Recommended for those who are attending various events,live and concerts in satiama super arena. Room is available with air condition ,hot and cold shower with everyday room cleaning services and free breakfast too.

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