Palace Hotel Omiya i Saitama

JapanPalace Hotel Omiya



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Japan, 〒330-0854 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Sakuragichō, 1-chōme−7−5
kontakter telefon: +81 48-647-3300
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9052718, Longitude: 139.6204963

kommentar 5

  • Gary Furukawa

    Gary Furukawa


    Excellent hotel with great service and food choices. Their location could have been better, however still within a good distance to most of your key areas. Thier breakfast buffet was decent and a worthwhile purchase if you want to have a hearty breakfast before starting your day.

  • Belinda King

    Belinda King


    Had a great first night in Japan here. A short free shuttle ride from Narita airport. My room was comfortable, clean, and inviting.

  • Mali Ka

    Mali Ka


    Stayed at hotel with family, breakfast was fine. The train museum which was our goal is one station away. lots of restaurants around. The sirprising thing was pool is too late to open 8:30 and at the reception of spa center we were told pool is not free of charge for hotel guests (!)

  • Peter Russo

    Peter Russo


    Nice hotel at a reasonable price. Super convenient to the train station and near many good places to eat. Has plenty of its own places to eat and a nice whisky bar as well. Also an adjacent Lawson's is handy. The rooms are a little more spacious and well appointed than most hotels. Love the bonsai and featured art in the lobby.

  • James Rucker

    James Rucker


    Stayed here on two different occasions. Single rooms are quite small but efficient. Doubles give a significant increase in space, worth it in my opinion. Rooms are clean and modern. Staff friendly and helpful and most speak sufficient English. Will continue to return here in the future.

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