Toyoko Inn Saga Ekimae en Saga

JapónToyoko Inn Saga Ekimae


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1-chōme-10-36 Ekimae Chūō, Saga, 840-0801, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 952-23-1045
sitio web:
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Latitude: 33.2637286, Longitude: 130.2967878

comentarios 5

  • Alex Tam

    Alex Tam


    The room is new and clean. But the hotel guest car park fee (800) is very expensive. The park area is very small and dangerous.

  • Paul Trinidad (Donkey)

    Paul Trinidad (Donkey)


    This is the best toyoko inn I've stayed in, in Japan . The tvs are new, the rooms are big and the cost is ok - free breakfast in the morning and you are set to explore saga - Why you'd come to saga is another question 😂 Then again why not? It's a country town but is big but not too big - no fast train access but it's definitely a great place to base a cycle trip from. The bus from the station runs straight to the international terminal in fukuoka or the saga international airport, Balloon fiesta is run in November!

  • 米若



    The location is very close to the train station, perfect for a traveler. It also has complimentary breakfast.

  • Olga Port

    Olga Port


    As always excellent service at Toyoko inn. All 3 people work at the reception were super. I want to thanks one of the ladies there who helped us with calling to reconfirm next hotel. She was very helpful and smiling. Thank you!!! The breakfast as usual full your stomach with nice local food. Simply delicious. All facilities are new and clean. 5 stars Toyoko Inn Saga. And thanks to management and team and all ladies who clean the rooms-spotless! Pleasure to stay not mention good price!

  • Philip Hall

    Philip Hall


    Excellent location close to the main railway and bus stations. Rooms are pretty big for Japanese standard and bathrooms are just as well covered. If traveling as a couple I highly recommend a twin over a double as the latter is okay for 2 Asians but not 2 Europeans

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