Toyoko Inn Osaka Tsuruhashi-ekimae w Osaka

JaponiaToyoko Inn Osaka Tsuruhashi-ekimae


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

15-31 Funahashichō, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0024, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6766-1045
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6668672, Longitude: 135.5293905

komentarze 5

  • Jun Mizuno

    Jun Mizuno


    A branch of the Toyoko Inn chain of hotels, this hotel is conveniently located around 5 minutes away from Tsuruhashi station, which is connected by the JR Osaka Loop Line, Kintetsu Rail, and the Osaka Metro Sennichimae Line. The hotel amenities are new and of standard, making it one of the better business hotels I've stayed in across most of Japan.




    Nice place, friendly staff...but rooms were a little bit cozy.

  • ごっつい豚骨



    The number of outlets is small.

  • Maxy Bebber

    Maxy Bebber


    Very near to where my brother lives and the local stations I'll need. Perfectly fit a booking snaffu we had. They were very good to help me in English and I never needed to use my translation app! Which was fantastic as I'd been struggling with getting people to understand what I meant with it all day. Rooms are small, very standard Japanese style, but even with this being technically a smoking room (all they had left) it's fresh and neutral smelling. They were also able to give me a slight discount on the rate since my brother, who will be sharing the space with me, does not arrive until tomorrow. Honestly an incredibly smooth and simple booking process. We just walked in (resident brother came with me) and I was able to be placed in a room just like that.

  • Kathy Wan

    Kathy Wan


    Person at the front desk when we checked in was very friendly. Breakfast was included, which was nice, but not a lot of variety. Overall a very nice stay!

najbliższy Kwatera

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