New Osaka Hotel Shinsaibashi w Osaka

JaponiaNew Osaka Hotel Shinsaibashi



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1-chōme-10-36 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0086, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6121-5555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.674057, Longitude: 135.498755

komentarze 5

  • ChulHi Park

    ChulHi Park


    Good location, clean room ocndition. Nice staffs.

  • R D

    R D


    Went here for breakfast not as a guest. All you can eat, 07:00-09:00 for ¥1,300. If you need to fill your stomach and don't much care what it is this is good place to do it. We stayed about 1hr, it had nice calming music and a serene atmosphere. The food was alright, there were some cold options including mackerel, salmon and some chicken flavoured dish that had the texture of shellfish. There were also some pastries, these were fine but nothing to write home about - slightly chewy and not the best quality. For the hot food, there were some small (finger-sized) hotdog style sausages as well as meatballs and some lukewarm yakisoba. This was okay, but I liked the Miso soup and mushroom soup best, and there is rice from a rice cooker as well. As much filter coffee, tea and green tea as you like, but from irritatingly small cups.

  • Alvin Bassant

    Alvin Bassant


    Nice hotel, well located close to everything. Shinsaibashi station only 5 mins walk away. Staff is great and very friendly and accommodating.

  • Catherine Yang (Liahn)

    Catherine Yang (Liahn)


    Stayed 2 nights. Location was convenient. Walls and carpets suggested the hotel was pretty old. Amenities were in the restrooms. Room was small. Overall average, but I think I will try somewhere else next time.

  • Frank Liang

    Frank Liang


    Location is perfect, the staffs are friends and nice. However, the room is old and the bathroom has a sour smell (bearable though). The unbearable thing is the sound proof. Since the wall are thin, we kept on hearing people talking or coughing outside/next-door. Won't be there again

najbliższy Kwatera

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