Toyoko Inn Kitakyushu Airport in Kitakyushu

JapanToyoko Inn Kitakyushu Airport


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2-4 Kūkō Kitamachi, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 800-0306, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 93-472-1042
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8350005, Longitude: 131.0305144

kommentare 5

  • Shirley Meow Cheng

    Shirley Meow Cheng


    The check in experience was very bad, I’ve given all our passports to the front desk staff Mr. ISHIMOTO. He did not flip any passport at all, but asking me to give him our names. It is completely OK for him to use the instant translation machine but provided he is not quite familiar with my language (English), I wonder how he could understand our names from just my pronunciation without reading the photo page of the passports. After I told him our names, he used single finger to type the keyboard, but looks like having difficulty to retrieve our reservations. Finally he got a stack of papers from his colleague, and managed to find our names which are the only English names printed on that paper. Not to mentioned I was holding my baby son who was crying badly, Mr. ISHIMOTO Still demanded me to write all the names on the form. After all, I’ve shown my Toyoko Inn member card and ask if it has expired, he said yes without checking. I guess this was the only bad experience I’ve ever encounter in the Toyoko chain hotel. The rooms are very spacious, great breakfast, all the hotels staffs are doing a very great job, easy parking.

  • Jakub Tětek

    Jakub Tětek


    Nice hotel at convenient location. However, the staff do not speak much English. They can call an interpreter but it is not very convenient. I would expect foreigner-friendly hotel at an airport. Also, I found it very annoying that they told me to wait for an hour for check-in even though my room was clearly ready just because I do not have some premium membership card.

  • YJ H

    YJ H


    Plus Conveniently located from Kitakyush Airport the bed is comfty Plus its decent breakfast was icing on the cake. If you come from Muan, Korea around 9pm , this will be a place to stay in. Otherwise you would be checking in one of hotels near Kokura JR station around as late as 11pm Minus Upon entering I smelled the damp smoke supposedly from any cigaretts. I'm not sure if my room was a smoking one . Anyway I had to keep the circulation high on all night long

  • K S

    K S


    It's really only convenient if you are using the airport. I stayed three nights to visit Kitakyushu because it is very cheap with great service. Free breakfast and free curry rice dinner. I had a japan rail pass so I just paid for the bus ride to and from Kusami station. Staying closer to Kokura is better, but I was flying to Korea after three days so it was convenient to stay in one place.

  • Jay Yi

    Jay Yi


    Last night sleep in Japan Location is really nice. There is shuttle for take you to the airport, but it's only 5 min by walk. Even with my bags. Room is clean and large enough(single). One side to airfield, other side to the ocean(not river). Breakfast is not that much to choose. But enough to fill your hunger till lunch.

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