APA Hotel Kokura Ekimae in Kitakyushu

JapanAPA Hotel Kokura Ekimae


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2-chōme-14-65 Asano, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-000-211
webseite: www.apahotel.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8872274, Longitude: 130.8855016

kommentare 5

  • D “Danny”

    D “Danny”


    Room is ok standard but lacks air-conditioning and it's really hot, even with the windows open. The room only has a fan that blows air and is fairly loud, and it's not the cleanest. Sound isolation is bad as I hear my neighbours TV through the walls. On the positive side it's walking distance from the station.

  • Caroline Anne

    Caroline Anne


    My flight was delayed by a day Ms Murata helped me to secure the rooms for the rest of the reservation and paid only for the days I stayed. Check in was fast and efficient. I was not happy with the housekeeping otherwise perfect 5 star. Cost efficient and good location.

  • RJ



    though the ac in out room was quite warm during our stay but we still enjoyed our stay. the hotel was near kokura station and easy access to convenience store.

  • Sam Ebadi

    Sam Ebadi


    It was close to the international conference center (5 min walk). Very clean and nice staffs. However, I think when they have a renovation in process they should consider something in return to the guests like a discount or ... as I took a nap using earplugs :)

  • Katsushi Imai

    Katsushi Imai


    It was indeed a great stay for business. Staff members are very friendly and helpful. You will have all you would expect from 4-star hotel at a reasonable cost

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