Shimonoseki Grand Hotel in Shimonoseki

JapanShimonoseki Grand Hotel


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31-2 Nabechō, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-0006, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 83-231-5000
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.9562475, Longitude: 130.9427434

kommentare 5

  • B



    It was a nice experience and definately good choice to stay here!

  • SkyHighCheif



    fantastic hotel with perfect location. Rooms are big & clean with nice views of the port. Hotel restaurant is also very nice with great staff. We will return !

  • Yosuke Tanabe

    Yosuke Tanabe


    This hotel is one of the greatest hotels in Shimonoseki. Emperor and Empress of Japan have stayed at the hotel. It offers delicious foods made from local gradients, which gives you an opportunity to enjoy Japanese food. You can also enjoy the ocean view. There is a bus stop near the hotel.

  • Laurentiu Morariu (Traveling Monk/ey)

    Laurentiu Morariu (Traveling Monk/ey)


    Nice hotel but the amenities are a little old. It seems it was built during the 90s and while it was high technology at the time now it's funny to see those buttons and switches that control the lights, etc. The location is perfect for the fish market! Just a few minutes walk.

  • David Lyneham

    David Lyneham


    The premier hotel in Shimonoseki in my opinion. Its been here quite some time but its beautifully maintained and standards are really high. Really good value for money and the location is perfect by the waterfront beside the Kanmon wharf area.

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