Toyoko INN Kakegawa-eki shinkansen minami-guchi w Kakegawa

JaponiaToyoko INN Kakegawa-eki shinkansen minami-guchi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-4-17 Kamenokō, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0028, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 537-22-1045
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7678454, Longitude: 138.0130063

komentarze 5

  • ゴスペラーズ



    When I was taking my car out of the garage, I was approached by a strange customer. I didn't even bother to take the car out of the garage, and when I did so, he yelled at me and said things like, "Why are you doing this first?" There is no direct fault on the hotel's part, but I don't know what an irrational guest like that would do, so I would like the entire group to crack down on them and ban them. I think this will lead to the safety of other customers.

  • jj ryu

    jj ryu


    It was used for consecutive nights. The location is great. The noise from the air conditioner in the room bothered me so I didn't use it during my stay. Poor maintenance? The breakfast venue was disappointing. It takes a long time to replace missing dishes, and miso soup and curry are often left empty. The garbage can where we throw away chopsticks and cups was so full that it looked like it was about to collapse at any moment. It's a shame because the front desk staff was very bright and lively. I hope it has been improved the next time you use it.

  • トリスキーコジレタ



    I used a twin bed because I am in a wheelchair. The staff were very courteous and I felt comfortable from the time I walked in until I left. The rooms are compact compared to Toyoko Inn in Atami and Hiratsuka. It's beautiful, clean and well-cleaned, and unless you see that the dryer is showing its age, it's probably a new building. That's what I thought🤭

  • Andyx Hung

    Andyx Hung


    Convenient and clean room.

  • DiCE K

    DiCE K


    minimam service,but reasonable.

najbliższy Kwatera

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