Shizuoka Country Hamaoka Course & Hotel w Omaezaki

JaponiaShizuoka Country Hamaoka Course & Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2070-2 Kadoya, Omaezaki, Shizuoka 437-1615, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 537-86-3311
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.654639, Longitude: 138.095428

komentarze 5

  • CuppyRider



    Disappointed. Non-smoking rooms are located on the same floor as smoking rooms. Some staff seemed hospitable but most seem like they are not interested in their guests. Location and view might help the initial attractiveness of the hotel, but the service sinks the positives to give this hotel an overall negative vibe.

  • Chung Wung Bark

    Chung Wung Bark


    Great golf course and good food. But, I am not sure what you can do here without golf.

  • John



    Like a princess in her faded glory days. The hotel feels as if it were built ~40 years ago and never updated. Felt a little itchy- was kind of old and dusty feeling. Lot of cigarette smoke in the lobby and there was also smoke that made its way into our room- I thought our room was non smoking but seems it was not or maybe they just can’t control the smokers. I’m guessing this place was once a really fine place to stay but has faded and needs an update. The Staff is however very friendly and helpful.

  • Fred Varcoe

    Fred Varcoe


    Beautiful resort courses and fabulous hotel

  • Ed O'Sullivan

    Ed O'Sullivan


    Hotel Like that from the Shining! 😂. Big spacious hotel with golf course and some nice walks not much around otherwise

najbliższy Kwatera

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