Toyoko Inn Hokkaido Sapporo Susukino Kosaten i Sapporo

JapanToyoko Inn Hokkaido Sapporo Susukino Kosaten


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3-chōme-4-1 Minami 4 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0804, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-207-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0561312, Longitude: 141.354453

kommentar 5

  • Dao Lam

    Dao Lam


    Great find. Hotel was clean, staff were very friendly. Came with breakfast everyday. Breakfast had great variety from Japanese to Western options. And some of it changed daily. Very good value for money and centrally located to everything. There was a bus stop right out front of the hotel that goes to the airport

  • Kevin Hewison

    Kevin Hewison


    A very busy hotel in a great location. Clean rooms are quite small but well equipped. Very busy breakfast. We weren't aware our rate didn't include cleaning but fresh towels are provided each day. Friendly and polite staff.

  • Clara Tan

    Clara Tan


    Good typical toyoko inn standard. Good location, has parking and dog friendly rooms

  • Frank Cavallo

    Frank Cavallo


    Very good location and nice personnel. Only problem: just a bunch of guys in the reception spoke an acceptable English but all of them were so nice and polite. We’ll come back

  • Adam Lin

    Adam Lin


    We thought the checkout time was supposed to be by 11:00 a.m.; however, we cannot enter our room with our room key. We know that it was our fault for the inconvenience caused, but one receptionist who charged us an extra fee was so impolite and even a little blamed on us. We enjoyed other services in this hotel but that lady receptionist (who with shirt curled hair and looks chubby) already ruined my day in Sapporo.

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