Nest Hotel Sapporo Ekimae w Sapporo

JaponiaNest Hotel Sapporo Ekimae


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2-chōme-9 Kita 2 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0002, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-222-6611
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Latitude: 43.064024, Longitude: 141.353849

komentarze 5

  • Paul Smith

    Paul Smith


    The staff at this hotel was great. As soon as we got there they answered all of our questions. They spoke English and Japanese to us. They were very helpful with the parking of my rental car. (The cheapest parking at the hotel uses an elevator style parking structure which can only take very small cars. Even my Kei car was too larger. It needs to be 160 cm. To fit and mine was 162.) The parking we got was 600 yen but we needed to leave by 8:00 AM so that wasn’t great but everything worked out. The rooms were clean-ish. The carpet was stained to high heaven but I’d imagine that in a snowy place like Hokkaido it’s hard keeping them clean. The walls had scuffs too. The beds and linens were very clean. The beds are my favorite part. I love Japanese hotel beds they are very firm. The room had a hot water kettle, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. The basic amenities. It was perfect for our budget, location, and length of stay. I’d totally recommend to anybody who isn’t too finicky.

  • Zen Yas

    Zen Yas


    The pictures of this hotel in google maps are misleading. This hotel show something that in reality it’s not. It’s a casual hotel in a remote street. As a European person the breakfast was more topical Japanese food not to much western food only bread and croissants 🥐. It needs improvement on that to accommodate people from Europe. The rooms very small we barely feet two carryons lagged in the room “ I do understand it normal in Japan this tiny rooms” The service was ok. The employees in the breakfast service they’re very welcoming and friendly. Front desk they were polite But I would not come again to this hotel

  • Jaylene Cook

    Jaylene Cook


    I did not like this hotel. I only booked it because it said it had parking. Once I arrived they said there was no parking. If it wasn’t so late at night I would have gone somewhere else. The rooms are extremely small. Very very small. Not big enough to open a suitcase anywhere. The bed is tiny also, not suitable for two people. The room is very dusty so be prepared for allergies and a blocked nose. The walls are paper thin so you can hear everyone and everything above, beside and below you. Do not stay here unless you’re desperate or travelling alone for one night

  • Soorim Song

    Soorim Song


    Small rooms, but they try their best to make them comfortable. You can get bath salts from the front desk, in addition to a bunch of different amenities.

  • Peter Kam Fai Cheung

    Peter Kam Fai Cheung


    My younger son chose this hotel due to its location. And we paid the full non-refundable price of a 2-bed room beforehand. It wasn’t cheap and I worried about that as the hotel wasn’t new. When we visited the 2023 Sapporo Snow Festival (Feb 9 - 11), we found the hotel’s convenience. The hotel facilities weren’t grand but they all worked. We were content with our 3- night stay here.

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