Top of Universal i Osaka

JapanTop of Universal



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Japan, 〒554-0024 Osaka, Konohana Ward, Shimaya, 6-chōme−2−45 ホテル京阪ユニバーサル・タワー 32F レストラン トップ・オブ・ユニバーサル
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6465-0360
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.667678, Longitude: 135.4378904

kommentar 5

  • アゲアゲちゃんちゃん



    A private room with Omi beef shabu-shabu. Maybe because it was a weekday, the buffet rotation was slow? The taste of the food was much lower than the last time I used it on Saturday. The shabu-shabu was soft, sweet and very delicious. If I hadn't chosen the shabu-shabu course, I would have ended with a sad feeling. The view is very nice, so I thought it would be great for young couples and families.

  • Hiroaki Hamazaki

    Hiroaki Hamazaki


    It was a very nice and relaxing atmosphere. Everything is high quality and delicious in buffet style. The kids especially liked the crab. Since it was December, the Christmas tree was also decorated.

  • Magic Magic

    Magic Magic


    I used the Christmas dinner buffet, but the price was high and the quality was poor. It would have been quite shocking if there was no discount on goto. Would you like to see this photo (reality)?

  • よっしーパパ



    ``Top of Universal'' is a French restaurant with a great view on the top floor of Hotel Keihan Universal Tower in front of USJ in Konohana Ward, Osaka City. We hold special buffets every season. Spring is strawberry! In addition to a wide variety of strawberry sweets, we also have roast beef and other dishes. Almost the entire menu has been completed, so please check the photos (*^^*) #USJ #Hotel Keihan #French restaurant #Sweets buffet

  • Dave Kawengian

    Dave Kawengian


    It's fun

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