Kashiya i Osaka




🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-4-21 Tamadenaka, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0044, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 70-5661-8757
internet side: ameblo.jp
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Latitude: 34.6261598, Longitude: 135.4915367

kommentar 5

  • Ananya Rajgarhia

    Ananya Rajgarhia


    The best ramen I’ve ever had. The noodles had excellent texture and the broth was very rich and frothy. Do not come in large groups as there’s very little space, probably 1-3 is best.

  • Chris



    Accidentally found this place in a back street of tamada. The best ramen I had in osaka so far. Super creamy and full of flavour for a r good price.

  • Jomar Clavecillas

    Jomar Clavecillas


    Randomly hopped in to this place last September, and had the best Tonkatsu Ramen I had in living memory 👍 10/10 will eat there again

  • P V

    P V


    So nice ramen!!! Lots of flavour and extremely rich. Pork was beautiful. Cleaned the bowl with no effort!☺️☺️☺️☺️ great value for money (880 yuan - amazing 🤩)

  • Rosa Maria

    Rosa Maria


    Ramen was al dente, the pork broth was creamy and light in taste. The pork charsiu was thinly slice, tender and seasoned well. Portion size is small though and the place is a bit dusty. The utensils, chopsticks and soup spoon were placed in a dusty box.

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