Tonkatsu Aoki i Ota City

JapanTonkatsu Aoki



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5-chōme-43-7 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3739-4231
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.5604484, Longitude: 139.7170623

kommentar 5

  • Merzzz



    The fried pork chop was too thick and hard, very hard to chew.

  • Yoon Shin

    Yoon Shin


    kamata is kind of far away from the touristy areas but this shop offers one of the best tonkatasu i had. you can see the owners prepare the meals across the counter and the establishment is so clean and tidy the batter is crispy the meat is juicy and packs a ton of flavor and the price is very reasonable compared to the city center there was a very long line behind me so it might be best to queue for the line ten mins before they open for dinner i think i may visit whenever i need to go to the 区役所

  • Yongky Christian

    Yongky Christian


    Solid Tonkatsu with great value. Only downside is probably just wait time. Came 30 mins before they close with ~12 people waiting in line ahead of us. They still serve us 9.20. Pork cutlet was awesome with that layer of fat being star of the show.

  • Janice Hsieh

    Janice Hsieh


    Even in weekday night, still needs to wait in line. Better to come earlier because there is only 10 seats. There is no English menu, so I randomly ordered a ¥1500 set, the pork chop has the fat inside, which makes the pork more juicy, the pork you can taste the freshness. With the crisp cover it is just amazing! A must try dish in Japan.

  • Bartek



    Amazing tonkatsu, I had the shoulder part and it was very delicate and full of flavour. I think one of the best I’ve ever had! They serve it with selection of different types of salt which further enhances the taste. The restaurant is quite small (10 seats only) and the queue outside can be long, so get there early to avoid long wait.

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