Mawashi Sushi Katsu i Ota City

JapanMawashi Sushi Katsu



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒144-0052 Tokyo, Ota City, Kamata, 5-chōme−13−1 グランデュオ蒲田東館 6F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5710-6880
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.5627574, Longitude: 139.7164733

kommentar 5

  • Cameron Luo

    Cameron Luo


    I loved the sushi here! The egg roll was great too.

  • Danni



    Excellent place to try conveyor belt sushi. They have lots of items rotating around on the belt so you can see and chose what looks good. Can also order on the tablet (English available) and have the nigiri and hot food items made fresh. I really liked that you can see the chef behind the bar making the nigiri after you order and handing the plate directly to you. The hot food (tempura and egg custard) took a little longer to come out but was actually served hot. Otoro was some of the best I’ve had so far and very reasonably priced.

  • Çağıl Harmandar

    Çağıl Harmandar


    Sooo good! I went Sunday evening and the wait was more than 30 minutes but really worth it.

  • SLEE



    Sea bream, Yellow tail, Tuna(not the fatty one), Amberjack, Steamed egg custard... are my favorites at this place. Their Plum sour is so good. Not too strong and so sweet. I like their Fresh wasabi too. They open 11:30am.

  • CC F

    CC F


    Amazing sushi at affordable prices! They always come out with new menu items from time to time so you never get bored when you revisit :) there will be queues during lunch and dinner time but it’s a very large shop so the queue moves really quickly!

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