Himalaya i Ota City




🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-11-9 Ikegami, Ota City, Tokyo 146-0082, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6410-6668
internet side: twitter.com
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Latitude: 35.57335, Longitude: 139.706443

kommentar 5

  • 勇気



    This restaurant is pretty good. Food is delicious and healthy,maybe a little expensive but it really worths this price.

  • Karin Yokoi

    Karin Yokoi


    Small feel at home place with tasty food

  • Felipe Marchant

    Felipe Marchant


    Healthy and healing food

  • Bijay Rai (Raijourneys)

    Bijay Rai (Raijourneys)


    Beautiful restaurant decorated with lot of nepali pictures and taste wise it’s authentic nepalese taste with herbal mix food.. and you can also buy special nepali teel ko ladoo and khapse there 🙂 . Staffs are also friendly and nice.. Most of the food price -$$ but worth it.

  • Carl Concepcion

    Carl Concepcion


    Great healthy restaurant near Ikegami station. Restaurant is quite small but that is the only real negative. Food is fresh, healthy and distinctively different...in the best possibly way. Its delicious! The chef does an amazing job explaining the menu and the background on all the spices and flavors. We also have a 9 month old and even in this small restaurant the staff did amazing job accommodating us and making our experience great.

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