Tokyu Stay Suidōbashi i Chiyoda City

JapanTokyu Stay Suidōbashi


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1-chōme-1-12 Misakichō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3293-0109
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Latitude: 35.7008935, Longitude: 139.7566132

kommentar 5

  • LK S

    LK S


    5 or 15 minutes walk to subways - depending which lines - JR or Tokyo Metro. Tokyo dome is nearby with a mall, restaurants and recreations. Washer and Dryer single unit is inside the room. Laundry can start in the morning and be done when returning at night. Staff are very courtesy and do trying their best to help you. Room is scheduled to fully clean weekly but taking out trash is available upon request. Overall, good experience for a budget hotel.

  • Ja Regmalos

    Ja Regmalos


    One of the best hotels in the area. It’s practically close to everything. Most especially the rail and subway stations. It is a walk away from Iidabashi Station of both Miata Line and JR Yamamote. It is also walking distance to the Tokyo Dome and Laqua Mall. The hotel room we had was quite small but was enough for our needs. The highlight of the place was its Queen size bed which is very comfortable, the bathroom has a bathtub and toilet combo. The toilet is automatic. The water pressure is strong as well. They have a refrigerator and washing machine that can wash and dry - this is the best highlight of the unit! Don’t expect the best of views. You’ll only see office buildings etc. The unit also has an air purifier and the air conditioner is top par! They also offer free amenities such as coffee which can be iced as well. They also provide toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, teas, hairbrush etc. The staff are nice and speak English quite well. They have a check out via booth in the area as well. All in all one of the best hotels for its price in the area. Will definitely stay here again when we visit Tokyo.

  • Suryatin Setiawan

    Suryatin Setiawan


    We stayed here for three nights and enjoyed this lovely, efficient, clean, excellent service of this Tokyu Stay Suidobashi - it’s close to JR station, many good restos and shops, the koishikawa korakoen and tokyo dome - this hotel is less attended - and that’s good- breakfast is totally self served - we can self check in and out - room cleaning is provided as per request … and receptionists are very very helpful ! really excellent hotel !

  • Jimmy Manninger

    Jimmy Manninger


    Decent rooms, clean and comfortable. With pentry and washing machine. This was perfect for us. Walking distance to 3 JR/Subway stations that will take you almost everywhere in tokyo, and Tokyo dome also in walking distance. Plenty of restaurants nearby. Friendly and helpful staff. Biggest downside of this hotel was breakfast, not a large selection and you will have to prepare it yourself in your room, all except cerial is frozen.

  • M



    Tokyu Stay Suidobashi provides a comfortable and quiet abode in the midst of Chiyoda City. We stayed 4 nights here and could not have chosen a more convenient location to base ourselves to explore Tokyo for our first visit to Japan. Our room was compact but well appointed with a washing machine and dryer, and mini fridge, an electric kettle, microwave, as well as small desk. We were able to fit 2 large suitcases in and still have space to walk in and out of the amenity areas of the room. Basic toiletries were provided in the bathroom, with additional items available for guest use in the downstairs foyer (razors, hair combs, tea, bath sponges, toothbrushes etc). There is a JR station (Suidobashi station) just a 4 minute walk away, the Jimbocho subway, as well as numerous eateries and restaurants serving delicious meals in the vicinity. The staff were extremely helpful and courteous, and were able to organise Takkubin services for us on request. Fast wifi available in the room and foyer. Highly recommend this hotel for any guests looking for a comfortable and clean room in an excellent location.

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