APA Hotel Kanda Jimbōchō Station East i Chiyoda-ku

JapanAPA Hotel Kanda Jimbōchō Station East



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Japan, 〒101-0052 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Ogawamachi, 3 Chome, 千代田区神田小川町3丁目1−22
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5283-8311
internet side: www.apahotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6945585, Longitude: 139.7621196

kommentar 5

  • Mark Billinghurst

    Mark Billinghurst


    Nice hotel - no breakfast included - great location

  • Damian DeCandia

    Damian DeCandia


    Great place, well appointed room, well priced and decent size for tokyo!! I recommend to any traveller

  • en

    Michael Brown


    Room is a little smaller than you'd expect to have, like in America (maybe half to 1/3rd size) but what do you want people, it's downtown Tokyo which is one of the most densely packed cities in the world. You can get larger, but you'll pay for it. Perfect for two adults! Your room might view a street, might view another building, but again, it's a city made of buildings and sky scrapers, not fields of majestic wildabeast charging across the plains. The sheets are clean, bed is comfy and warm, the room has a cozy modern feel with modern amenities. Comes with an electric kettle, tea cups with tea and coffee, bathroom essentials (toothbrush, razor, comb, hair beret, etc.), bathroom shoes, robe, flat screen tv, and charging plugs built into the headboard. Bathtub is amazing! Central to multiple entry points for the subway and bus, also a quick hop to Akiabara, Shinjuku, the imperial palace(15 min walk) and Asakusa. Worth it!

  • Hugo Ribeiro

    Hugo Ribeiro


    Aside from the room window facing another building, it was a nice stay. The staff was kind to find and hurry the delivery service to get my luggage in under five minutes after I checked in (it should have been delivered earlier that day). Standard APA room and service. Nothing to complain. The annexed restaurant seems to have only omusubi.

  • Ali Vidler

    Ali Vidler


    I stayed at this hotel which was good. It was a little cramped but fortunately it was just me in a room so it was okay. If you do not like small spaces this is NOT a hotel for you. I also couldn't see out of my window because it was frosted so it was a little strange at times. This was a great location because the train station was right across the street. There was also a 7/11 across the street which made life so much easier if I needed a quick bite or to pick up my favorite chocolate bar! This was seriously a super central location for anyone visiting Tokyo. We did take trips out for the day and a few times went very far. We did travel around the city and were able to stop back here in between activities. I would stay here again if you are only planning on sleeping and showering here.

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