Japanese Red Cross Medical Center en Shibuya City

JapónJapanese Red Cross Medical Center



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Martesabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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Sábadoabierto 24 horas
4-chōme-1-22 Hiroo, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-8935, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3400-1311
sitio web: www.med.jrc.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6546028, Longitude: 139.7178461

comentarios 5

  • Catherine Kitaguchi

    Catherine Kitaguchi


    Gave birth 2x here and it’s absolutely clean, calm, relaxing feeling. After giving birth, moms stay 5days after giving birth, they support first time moms in taking care of baby and nurses will take babies at some days so moms can get some sleep/ rest❤️ Doctors and nurses i encountered speaks English too! ✨

  • Todd Spitz

    Todd Spitz


    High-quality care, and nearly everyone we encountered during our months of visits was incredibly friendly. Highly recommended for anyone giving birth. In addition to their strong support for breastfeeding and helpful tips for infant care, fathers can stay overnight with the mother and newborn. Inexpensive parking (¥300/visit) is a welcome plus.

  • Nathaniel Murphy

    Nathaniel Murphy


    Unfortunately, we had to visit the hospital due to a broken wrist. Even though it was a Sunday and the staff was reduced, they took care of us very quickly and thoroughly. Everyone was friendly, kind, and accommodating. Some of the staff spoke English well. Overall I’m very grateful for the service we received here!

  • Andrey Surcek

    Andrey Surcek


    Seems like a nice hospital, seems also more pricey. If you don’t have a referral letter, you will pay 11,000¥! Other Public hospitals charge 1500¥. On the good side, the Hp is updated and has English speaking doctors, nurses and translators. Free bicycle parking and the bus stops right out front.

  • Sofia P

    Sofia P


    The hospital is huge, and they give me vaccines, so I have navigated the hospital. It seems a bit complicated, but everyone is very nice, and all you need to do is ask. They are always quite friendly and accommodating. One reviewer said they came here for an influenza check-up. Don't come here for something a small clinic can do. In general, large hospitals in Japan are not the same as in other countries. Small clinics serve the purpose of general medicine. Large hospitals are where you go when small clinics don't cut it. There tends to be a longer wait because of the specific nature of everyone's diseases. The grounds are amazing; very healing with huge old trees, all kinds of plants, fruit trees, and even an herb garden. They also have a number of green roofs. Apparently they have a special group of volunteers dedicated to the landscape. There is a Starbucks inside, and small shop. There is also a nursing school and an orphanage on the grounds.

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