Tokou Store en Sapporo

JapónTokou Store



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6-chōme-3-1 Sumikawa 3 Jō, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-824-1109
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0083982, Longitude: 141.3646451

comentarios 5

  • Swk Nao (なお)

    Swk Nao (なお)


    It was renewed in May 2024. I was impressed with the freshness of the fish shop, the wide selection of prepared foods, and the selection of frozen foods. The layout of the store has been a distinctive shape for a long time. There are chateraise and coffee shops as tenants in the store, and there is also a small food court.

  • わらわら



    Although it feels small, the selection is quite good. My impression is that the price is a little high. I think the friendliness and responsiveness of the cashiers (both men and women) is what attracts customers to visit the store next time.

  • ニッカ農園



    If you go at 7:30pm, side dishes, sushi, and bento boxes will be half price. 20% is also available. It's a hidden gem. I buy it almost every day and it's delicious. By the way, some sushi is made by fishmongers (sushi restaurants?) and some are made in delicatessens!

  • 島田環



    On my way back from the hospital I went to on February 6th. I stopped by to do some shopping. This time, I broke my left arm, so I had to stock up on a lot of items in my cart. After making a purchase and paying the bill, I was packing the items into bags, when the cashier said, Now, the cash register is empty, so please check the product. I'll help you pack the bags. The woman at the service counter said, ``I'll take care of it.'' They packed a lot of products and put them in the cart. Also, when carrying it to the car If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will respond very kindly. Shopping went smoothly. Thanks to your kind response, I was able to make the shopping process much smoother, which I am very grateful for. At other stores, even after checking out at the cash register, There were many people who looked like they didn't know me and wouldn't take me to the stand, but everyone was kind. Product + staff service It's on sale at this store. think. The two of you who helped me thank you very much.

  • カメバズーカ



    Parking lot and store are very spacious. As well as a wide range of food items Bank ATM (Hokuyo & Hokkaido Bank) Drugstore, fresh flowers, 100 yen store, Western sweets Because we have everything in one place I live nearby You won't have any trouble shopping.

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