Hokuren Shop en Sapporo

JapónHokuren Shop



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Japan, 〒006-0804 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Teine Ward, Shinhassamu 4 Jō, 1-chōme−1−60 ホクレン新発寒店
contactos teléfono: +81 11-665-8050
sitio web: hokurenshoji.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.110146, Longitude: 141.275689

comentarios 5

  • 越後屋善行(328sakura)



    It's located in a complex, so there's a large parking lot, and it's easy to access as it faces Oiwake Street and Shimateine ​​Street.The store is also large and has a wide variety of products, making it easy to find products.

  • Digiwow 日本語

    Digiwow 日本語


    The store is clean, probably aiming for a bit of high quality for a supermarket, but the prices are a bit high. As other reviewers have said, there is a good selection of seafood and meat, and the prices are average. Non-food items such as sweets, seasonings, and daily necessities seem to be about 20-30% more expensive than our rivals, but for some reason, there are some cheap items here and there. The parking lot is large, and they have their own bakeries like Arc's, as well as Chateraise and Gindako. Perhaps because the prices are a little high on average, you can shop comfortably even in the evening, so it's recommended for people who don't like crowds.

  • ほよ



    We carry rare local sweets and daily items that you can enjoy browsing. I'm especially happy that they have round natto. Overall, the prices are a little high, but the side dishes look and taste good.

  • パカツキ人畜無害



    fresh seafood. You can also easily buy Hokkaido specialty products as souvenirs. There are some rare items, and it's fun just to look at them.

  • 優木里緒菜



    The parking lot is very large and easy to park. There are Sweet Decoration and Xebio on the same premises. There is an eco-posu for collecting silver coins and used paper outside the store. The store has been renovated and is very beautiful. Inside the store, there is a flower shop, ramen shop, chateraise, ATMs (Kokuyo Bank, Hokkaido Bank, Japan Post), ID photo booth, 100 yen bakery, and eat-in space. There are many Hokkaido products that you can't find at other stores. A part of the soccer table is lowered, so you can pack bags without taking the basket down from the cart, which is convenient when the basket is heavy.

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