Tokyo Tower Aquarium i 港区

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Japan, 〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園4丁目2−8, 〒105-0011
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3433-5111
Latitude: 35.6585891, Longitude: 139.7451711
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Kommentar 5

  • Kawin Athivorakul

    Kawin Athivorakul


    Small Aquqrium!

  • Ane Hinnum

    Ane Hinnum


    Most of the aquarium tanks were too small for the fish and not very clean. I felt uncomfortable being there and I felt I had to tell my kids that this is not an okay way to take care of pets. On top of this it was too expensive to enter. The only reason that I am giving it two stars and not one, is because a few of the tanks were okay and my kids were entertained, but I will not recommend going there. Had I known how rundown and unprofessional it was, I would not have brought my kids even if it had been for free.

  • Shimmy Shim

    Shimmy Shim


    Bigger tanks needed. Great place with feeding show & benches to rest + enjoy the aquarium ^^

  • Bibiana Nunes

    Bibiana Nunes


    It's ok. They have some exotic species but the setting seems improvised. The fish don't have good mobility because their tanks are so small. I don't think I would recommend it to anyone.

  • H. P. L. Molloy

    H. P. L. Molloy


    Has gotten much more expensive over the years, but still enjoyable. Mostly freshwater fish.

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