Toho University Ohashi Medical Center en Meguro City

JapónToho University Ohashi Medical Center


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2-chōme-22-36 Ōhashi, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-8515, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3468-1251
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Latitude: 35.6522875, Longitude: 139.683855

comentarios 5

  • まようしじま



    I am planning to see an eye doctor from now on. The general reception desk and the ophthalmology nurse are all very bad at answering the phone. I feel lethargic. I'm scared to go... postscript, The receptionist and the doctor were very nice and examined me thoroughly. but. As expected, the nurse who answered the inquiry was probably the one who called out to me, probably due to my bad luck, and when I asked her what I should do now that the examination was over, she was very accommodating. On the contrary, I felt sorry. Poor guy... I wonder if you said it was Chida-san.




    Two years ago, I fell down with severe anemia and abdominal pain, and was referred to the Emergency Relief Telephone Consultation Service.I called the hospital in the morning to find out what symptoms I was having, but I was suffering from abdominal pain and was feeling lightheaded. I had to wait several hours inside to be examined. I am very grateful to the doctor who diagnosed me with stage 2 cancer. But here's the problem Since I was the last patient to see the doctor that day and the MRI reception had ended, I was told that after an intravenous drip, blood samples would be taken, medicine would be given, and I would be sent to the MRI near Shibuya Station for the MRI scan. My hemoglobin level was 7g/dL, so after administering an iron drip, I had to draw blood, but on the way to the blood draw, my whole body started to itch and my heart rate increased, making it difficult to breathe, so I showed my nurse friend a photo. When I called the doctor, it turned out that I had anaphylaxis, and when I told the nurse who was taking the blood that I was itching all over my body and it was painful, she said, ``It's so hard.'' I was having a hard time waiting for my bill after the blood was drawn, so I told the receptionist at the hospital entrance that I was having a hard time, but all she said was, "I don't understand." To be honest, I wasn't very conscious from this point on, so I wonder how they got the medicine, or maybe they went to the MRI place near Shibuya Station... When I arrived at the MRI location, I was examined, and when I heard that I was going to have a contrast-enhanced MRI, I informed them that I was suffering from anaphylaxis, and they decided to have it done without contrast, as it was dangerous. If someone had noticed something unusual at the blood collection site and acted accordingly, we might have been able to deal with it right away. Why are the receptionists there? I was scared of the needle when administering the IV drip, so when I told her that I wanted her to cover the part where the IV was inserted with something, I noticed that the nurses around me were giggling, which made me feel really bad. I didn't want to be hospitalized at such a hospital, so I transferred to another hospital, but even after two years, I still have bad memories. No one could help me at the hospital. I thought that if something like this happened, I should have gone by ambulance, which I refused because I thought it would be a nuisance to many people. Sorry for the long reply.

  • Raveena Karki

    Raveena Karki


    Despite being an immigrant the treatment i got during my hospital stay has exceeded my expectations. I was treated with immense love and care, never felt like i was at a hospital, such a homely environment and the attention provided by the doctors and nurses shall always remain as a beautiful memory for life. Greatful to the hospital for making my pain bearable and making me feel so comfortable. Your warm gestures will remain with me forever

  • Yulianti



    Last year I had ERCP surgery in this hospital because of the stuck gallstones, after ERCP I had pancreatitis... but the doctors and nurses who treated me were very patient and kind, finally I recovered. Thank you to all of the doctor team, nurses and staff who have helped me a lot.

  • Mark Griffin

    Mark Griffin


    Friendly staff, excellently run and really modern!

El hospital más cercano

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