Toho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital in Sakura

JapanToho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital



🕗 öffnungszeiten

564-1 Shimoshizu, Sakura, Chiba 285-0841, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 43-462-8811
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7171554, Longitude: 140.1681094

kommentare 5

  • Muhammad



    Good doctors but big pharma at the end

  • Zahra Daud

    Zahra Daud


    They don't even deserve a single star!!! You call this an emergency room??? You making a dying patient wait??? Seriously??!! Japan work harder on your service!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bhuma Rakesh

    Bhuma Rakesh


    It’s very bad experience some nurses behavior is not good very expensive I never want to go again

  • Raaj Gurung

    Raaj Gurung


    It was my first time here.i m impressed from good system here.

  • Michael Engel

    Michael Engel


    I have a mixed experience - basically very good (5 points) but one doctor quite bad (1 point, he only seemed to be interested to speed up his throughput and told a lot of ..., like eggs will increase your cholesterol, even if meanwhile most medical organizations do not tell this any more). I have worked in hospital care and I think they are very well-organized. I have been here for an operation and they did it very well. The personnel is very friendly and helpful. They also have free shuttle buses from two nearby railway stations. So, the access is quite good.

nächste Krankenhaus

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