Chiba East Hospital in Chiba

JapanChiba East Hospital


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673番地 Nitonachō, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0801, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 43-261-5171
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.5852786, Longitude: 140.1610795

kommentare 5

  • 平間栄子



    I can't meet you. I sent you some clothes If there is anything else missing Please call me I want to be by my child's side as much as possible. I will be allowed to visit my daughter at the hospital again. Thank you The daughter I'm taking care of in April has her birthday, so I'd like to go see her.The flu is going around at school, so I'll call her and make an appointment. Happy birthday to ward 32 Non-chan I can't do anything for you, but I'll see you again. Thank you for the photo Seeing you doing well makes me feel a little better.

  • フジニャン



    The doctors and nurses are kind and polite, and I think this hospital has a different feel from other hospitals! However, the hallways are bumpy and it's hard to walk. It's a shame 💦 There is also a Yamazaki y shop inside the Chiba Higashi Hospital, which is an attached store! The store is small, but it has a decent selection of products, and the staff are kind and polite, and the inside of the store is also clean. ✨It's a shop! Unfortunately, it's located at the very back of the hospital after entering through the main entrance of Chiba Higashi Hospital and walking straight down the aisle, so it's a bit difficult for hospital users and staff to use it. Yes, it's a shame that there's no ATM. There's also a barber shop next to the y shop, but it's a shame that it's difficult to use.

  • つるみん



    Please note that there are no ATMs. I heard that there used to be one, but it was removed. It can't be helped that the waiting time is long... I have been hospitalized before, and everyone was kind, and I'm glad I didn't encounter unpleasant doctors or nurses like some of the reviews say. Hospital food was also delicious.

  • 山田愛樹



    My child is now 6 years old and was hospitalized 3 years ago. When I first went to the hospital when I was in third grade, there was a time when I was really scared at night. But at that time, I remember crying when a mother with a child in 2nd or 3rd grade who was sitting next to me told me it was okay and that I wasn't scared. After that, I made new friends at the hospital, went to school at the hospital, played games at night, played lots of games on Saturdays, and I still think I had a really fun hospital life. I didn't have a smartphone at the time, so I thought it would be a good idea to exchange contact information. That's how much I enjoyed my hospital life. I still wish I could see my friends from the hospital again! Sorry for the long post.

  • Rald Hata

    Rald Hata


    Chiba East Hospital was the Hospital in charge to Diagnose the illness of my son Hata yuki was confined

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