Saisei Hospital in Chiba

JapanSaisei Hospital



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800-1 Kashiwaichō, Hanamigawa Ward, Chiba, 262-0041, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 43-258-1211
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6886459, Longitude: 140.1033035

kommentare 5

  • Mm H

    Mm H


    Even now, I only meet with hospitalized patients for 15 minutes a week. When I visit my elderly grandmother, she is always asleep on painkillers and unable to speak. He quickly became weak and died. I can't believe that a person with a heart is working there. Almost the last thing I said was that the food was bad. For hospitalized patients, the only joy is seeing their families. Which do we need: measures that only weaken the elderly or measures against infectious diseases that make no sense?

  • チワワの蓮くん



    I don't want to give stars, but I can't post so I'm doing so. I had caught a cold and arrived at the hospital for the first time after 9 o'clock, and it took less than 30 minutes to fill out the medical history, see the doctor, and pay the bill. After that, the number I received when I paid for my in-hospital prescription never appeared on the electronic bulletin board. The pharmacist was dealing with patients who came later by asking for their numbers, but for some reason he didn't ask me for my number. The other patients were prescribed one after another and disappeared from the surrounding area, and after waiting for about an hour, I showed them a sheet with a number printed on it and waited for the entire time. I can't stand it anymore. When I said that, uh, why (didn't you put your number on the bulletin board)? sorry. He just said this lightly and explained about the medicine in a matter-of-fact manner. What's the point if you're not groggy from a cold? I wanted to pack it in. The doctor examined me very kindly, but I don't want to go there again.

  • ぐっちぇん



    Even with reservations, the waiting time is long. In severe cases, customers have to wait for more than two hours. When I was late, the nurse said, ``Mr. The only good thing is that the doctor in charge is thorough in his examination.

  • Takafumi Hirotani

    Takafumi Hirotani


    I use it for every medical checkup. This was the nearest medical checkup facility that was available at the insurance association and was reasonably equipped. I don't use it for going to the hospital because it's far from my home and it's inconvenient for going to the hospital. I think he is very polite in his medical checkup. The waiting room is spacious and equipped with a TV, newspapers, magazines, and massage chairs. Tea and coffee servers are available for use after your visit. There is also a wireless LAN that can be used for free. However, in June 2023, Pinot Noir will be closed and free meals will no longer be available. Instead, they will now give you a 1000 yen QUO card and an energy bar to those who take the interview. That's why I deducted one star. CT, MRI, gastrocamera, etc. are also available as options. Before we knew it, outpatient facilities for fever patients had also been built.

  • Maria Laura Okuda

    Maria Laura Okuda


    They don't answer the phone, the nurses are in a bad mood, the food is horrible, and they also don't let you bring food to the sights! I don't recommend it! They work without desire!

nächste Krankenhaus

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