Yukinoshita Umeda honten i Osaka

JapanYukinoshita Umeda honten



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5-14 Dōyamachō, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0027, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6949-8412
internet side: yukinosita.net
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Latitude: 34.7030703, Longitude: 135.5024188

kommentar 5

  • TheNasenkaiser



    If you like treasure hunts, this the place to look fir...we had to ask several times despite google maps to find the entrance in the maze of shops and alleys behind Osaka station. Compared to most of the plenty other kakigoris we have sampled in Japan, the ones served here lack craftmanship and presentation: A bowl of shaved ice with syrup , that’s it. Yet the kakigories were the priciest we had so far: JPY 1100 fir a simple watermelon or strawberry in a claustrophobic room without windows is definitely not worth it.

  • Nadav Ben Dov

    Nadav Ben Dov


    Good service and delicious pancake. The place is small and cramped, but not too badly. Had the lemon and strawberry pancake. Was extremely good!

  • junshi chang

    junshi chang


    Its was really hard to find this shop. But good shops are always hidden in the alley 😂. Waited for around 30 minutes, but it was worth the wait. The pancake was hot and steamy👍. Even without the cream cheese, the pancake tasted good.

  • Annie Soh

    Annie Soh


    Not easy to locate if without google map. Friendly staff. Tasty pancake but a little dry. The strawberries got replaced with strawberry jam. The frenchtoast supposedly be the top recommended but was overly sweet with caramel for me.

  • nexgoa



    Delicious pancakes and fresh products, if you are not put off by the unending waiting line and the unusual surroundings of the sex trade area. It takes them 20 min. to make a pancake but it worths the wait. I ordered a plain pancake and one with cheese. The pancake with cheese was my favorite. It was surprisingly good with honey and butter. The place itself is not very comfortable or cosy. It is located in between a parking garage and a rental girl office. You are sitting on stools along a counter. The prices are little overrated in my opinion, but I will return nonetheless so much everything was good.

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