Takinami Donburi Restaurant — Donburi of Otaru North en Otaru

JapónTakinami Donburi Restaurant — Donburi of Otaru North



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-10-16 Inaho, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 134-23-1426
sitio web: otaru-takinami.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.1989179, Longitude: 140.993902

comentarios 5




    It's amazing! You can taste the freshness from the fish and seafood. It seems that there will always be a long line in the morning from 8 am when it opens, but the line went fast today. We got the mixed uni donburi, snow crab donburi, and salmon sashimi. They give you the menu first and you order first, then they seat you down with your dishes. Your order also comes with a small side of dried squid appetizer and miso soup. The prices are relatively cheaper compared to the other stores but the quality is superior.

  • Carman Chan

    Carman Chan


    Great Kaisendons for a great price. Put your name down the front and take a seat. The staff who speak English will take your order first and call you when seating is available.

  • Kevin Jonathan

    Kevin Jonathan


    美味しいです. All seafood were fresh, best parts were the generous portion of crab, and the fresh uni and salmon roe. Not too expensive, given the freshness and portion. Looked small, but actually fulfilling.

  • Lily



    I came here on a weekday at 950am and the line was already wrapped ( line of people sitting on chairs plus the line of people standing). I waited about 40 minutes. It makes sense if you try to come at 12, the wait will be way longer. When you are in line, they ask for your order. When I got seated, food still took time to come out. Food is tasty but not worth the wait. There are so many seafood donburi places. I had the 7700 yen uni bowl. I have experienced my fair share of uni. Uni was creamy and on par with what I expected. Tuna was fatty and melted in mouth. Sweet shrimp was ok but again not the best I ever had. It wasn't fishy but could use more flavor. Maybe it is the season. I chose to have an expensive meal but they have a lot of affordable meals there.

  • Alfred W

    Alfred W


    The wait on a Wed 3pm was an hour plus 30 mins. Had to make the wait worth the while by ordering their Uni Ikura Don, 7700 yen. No regrets. The food was exceptionally fresh, and the combination of two types of sea urchin melded perfectly with the fish roe. The vinegar in the rice was balanced just right, enhancing the overall flavors. The miso soup was notably fresh and distinguished itself from typical ones. The atmosphere was pleasantly clean, even within a fish market setting. Impressively, there was no sense of pressure to rush, despite the presence of a lengthy queue of customers.

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