Takayahideo Dental Clinic en Utsunomiya

JapónTakayahideo Dental Clinic



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2977-1 Nakaokamotochō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 329-1105, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-666-4183
sitio web: www.takatani-dental.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6130323, Longitude: 139.943078

comentarios 5

  • t k.

    t k.


    I recently had my lower right impacted wisdom tooth removed. It was a quick 20 minutes from anesthesia to completion. Previously, it took more than an hour to have my lower left impacted wisdom tooth removed at a university hospital, and I was given two additional doses of anesthesia, and unfortunately I suffered from paralysis, which I had been told was rare. It took me three years to make the heartfelt decision to have this tooth extracted. I had wisdom teeth extracted for orthodontic purposes, and I only regret my past decision to have them extracted at a university hospital without doing any research. I appreciate your kindness at this time. I look forward to having my stitches removed next week. Also, the doctor's voice when administering anesthesia, 321 Chu I felt relieved. Thank you for your skillful work.

  • 仁平達也



    Despite the late hour when the previous patient came, he was able to accommodate my wisdom teeth consultation. He taught me a lot about the health of my body from the perspective of my gums. Along with my wisdom teeth being extracted, I visited the hospital a few times, and received consultations about the upper and lower bite, which I had been concerned about, and thorough treatment of the pus that had formed after treatment at another hospital, alleviating the stress I had had on my oral cavity. I got it resolved. I love that he is a doctor who has solid treatment skills and expresses things clearly and without hesitation.

  • さとうじゅんな



    I had a total of 4 wisdom teeth extracted under intravenous sedation: 2 upper wisdom teeth and 2 lower wisdom teeth that I was told could only be removed by an oral surgeon at a university hospital at another hospital. I did. The doctor's explanations were very thorough, concise and easy to understand, and there was little pain and swelling after the surgery, so I am very grateful for alleviating my anxiety.

  • Shiho Kato

    Shiho Kato


    The other day, I had the lower right wisdom tooth of my two lower wisdom teeth removed. The wisdom tooth was completely embedded in the gums and was lying on its side, pushing against the molars on the side, but it only took less than 10 minutes for it to fall out! I heard a grinding sound and felt some pressure, but there was no pain at all, and the swelling subsided in about 3 days! Even after the anesthesia wore off, I was able to continue my daily life with the painkillers prescribed. Wisdom tooth extraction can be a difficult case, After the tooth extraction date was set, I was feeling anxious and fearful, so I was reading testimonials and bulletin boards with my smartphone in hand (I became a search addict, haha). I was surprised and impressed that the tooth extraction went much easier than I had expected it to be! It seems like I can have the other tooth extracted without having to worry about my shoulders. The teacher has a cool image. He explained the treatment plan in a simple and easy to understand manner. Before I was given anesthesia, I was reassured that someone told me, ``Let's do our best!'' The hygienists were very kind and answered any questions I had, so I felt at ease. Also, I needed to go to the hospital to have the stitches removed on a separate day from the day I had my tooth extracted, but when I made the reservation, I was able to schedule the removal of my lower left wisdom tooth and the date of the suture removal all at once, which was helpful. I did it! I have a preschool-age child, and it was easy to make plans to leave my child with someone, and I was very grateful that there was a play area for children both outside and inside the dental clinic, making it easy for people to bring their children. I'm really thankful to you!

  • nathalie kato

    nathalie kato


    im happy to the result of my new teeth very satisfied,takatani sensei is great,unlike other clinic takatanihideo clinic is very convinience

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